Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3191: : Show to the living

Jiang Liu looked at the big tree that leads straight to hell, feeling a little shocked.

Everyone knows that Feng is all hell, but it is even more terrifying than the eighteen layers of **** in the hands of Pluto.

Every time it is mentioned, it will make people's hair creepy.

There is no grass here, but this tree alone is strange.

Legend has it that this is the remains of the last Emperor Fengdu.

It may seem true now.

Otherwise, how could there be such a spectacle.

"Fengdu is now all taken over by you alone. Don't you really need to find someone for help?"

"Morning burns him... This is too wronged."

After Jiang Liu stood under the big tree and burned a stick of incense for the nightmare, he looked at the little girl with red eyes at the moment, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

When Nightmare Zhuo left, it must be difficult for this girl to accept. Although Jiang Liu didn’t know much about this girl, he also knew that she used to have the character of a child, but now she has grown up a lot, without Nightmare. Burning wings, whether it be for people or appearance, are all grown-ups...

At that time, everyone didn't know that she did all the things alone. The great Emperor Fengdu didn't even have a funeral or even a decent mourning hall.

Regarding what Yan Zhuo has done over the years, she is really wronged.

Even if Nightmare doesn't like to get out, but guarding Fengdu, for tens of thousands of years, there is hard work without credit.

How can I not end up like this.

Even the worship is sneaky?

Jiang Liu really feels a little uncomfortable...

"I can do it all by myself. There is a barrier left by the master in Fengdu. As long as there is no powerful person like you, inside or outside, who breaks the taboo, the barrier is not broken, and the devil cannot come out, there is nothing I can't stand."

"As for what kind of worship, it seems to me that it is just for the living. The master is already dead, silently dying in front of my eyes, what else is important?"

"Is there any place of worship, the funeral is the same, just like now, few people knew about the master..."

"The master doesn't want you to know, and I won't notify you, but if you know, I will take you to worship, so be it."

"Besides, the master originally liked quietness, but now it is completely quiet."

Jade Qilin knelt under the big tree and knocked a few heads deeply, like this every year.

The only thing she can do for Nightmare Burning right now is to knock a few heads on the annual death day.

Nowadays, I took a few people to worship together.

When Yu Qilin said this, she didn’t know if it was ironic or not, but she felt uncomfortable. She had no relatives anymore. She was originally a lonely beast. She was called a divine beast in a better way. In fact, she was a person who could change human nature. The beast is nothing.

Such her, without the blessing of Nightmare Burning, naturally she could not be a child anymore, she was no longer a child.

I have been here just because I want the master to accompany her more.

But it's only five thousand years, where is enough?

Now there is nothing left.

"Don't cry, you are like this on this day of every year, since Emperor Fengdu likes quietness and you are crying here, he is not relieved."

Nangong Liuyue took the small handkerchief and handed it to Yu Qilin. Seeing the little girl crying sadly, he looked sad.

The two people cuddling each other, the Jiang Liu was taken aback. With Yu Qilin's words, Jiang Liu felt that he was not suitable to say this...

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