Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3197: : Temperament has changed

"Don't call me joy!"

Just as Nong Nong was about to pick up Jiang Xinrui and leave, the surrounding Shu Ling couldn't stop him. He really planned to follow along, but he didn't want to hear Jiang Xinrui's voice suddenly.

This "Don't call me joy!" Although the tone is not very good, with some coldness, and even distance, it at least proves that this person can speak.

As long as you speak, you are leaving the illusion.

"Joy? No, Xinrui?"

"Are you OK?"

"How do you feel?"

"What did you meet?"

"How can it be so long?"

"You keep talking? Let's go find my Tiandi brother, let him show you?"

Nong Nong heard Jiang Xinrui speak, and he didn't care what she said, so he was relieved instantly.

At least prove that there is still salvation.

Nongnong really thought she couldn't get out...

And Nong Nong insisted on the previous movement, embracing Jiang Xinrui, but now he changed to holding Jiang Xinrui's hand, feeling Jiang Xinrui's physical state with his weak hands.

When Jiang Xinrui's heartbeat was very unstable, her thick heart jumped to her throat again.

"Nongrong, shut up and let Jiang Xinrui speak."

"That's right, why didn't you realize that you can say that before?"

"Xiao Ruirui, how are you? What did the old Shuling arrange for you? It keeps you stuck for so long?"

"Yeah, what about Guai Tan Shu Ling? It's not that the illusion hasn't been broken, right? Normally, once the illusion arranged by Shu Ling is unlocked, Shu Ling will show up, and this strange talk Shu Ling really responded to this. Weird talk, the whole strange book spirit?"

Wanwuzhi and a few book spirits were chatting together, and Jiang Xinrui was having a headache from the noise.

But she only frowned slightly.

"I said don't call me Xi Le, this name is gone, can you remember it? Understand?"

Jiang Xinrui frowned slightly and looked directly at the dense beside him.

The tone is serious, as if today, if you don't say it clearly, you can't say anything else.

Even a little aggressive.

As soon as Jiang Xinrui said this, several old book spirits added thick, they were stunned.

Not only because of Jiang Xinrui's words, but also because of the tone.

No one can think that after a change, the first second was fine. You and I are good friends, walking hand in hand, but the next second becomes like this?

sarcastic comments?

Is it just a name or a nickname? What's the problem with nicknames between good friends?

Isn't his name always called by everyone?

"I...I understand, I understand..."

"From now on, can I call you Xinrui?"

Nong Nong asked for Jiang Xinrui's consent with some anxiety.

He didn't know what was wrong with Jiang Xinrui, but after thinking about it, he might have been hit too hard today. After all, he must be in a bad mood because he was stuck in an environment he didn't know.

The girl is in a bad mood, and everything is bad to see, and he understands that when his sister is in a bad mood, he is very careful because there is always low pressure around him.

"I don’t have a nickname anymore, I’ve long gone. Besides, my nickname should be called by my family. I shouldn’t be able to call it everywhere. If you don’t know, you think Dongnong is your big name. Don’t you think it’s weird. ?"

"You are no longer a child, you are still a boy, and you were too beautiful. If your name is not strong, you will still hear a lot of things you don't want to hear!"

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