Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3207: : Apologized again

"I want to meet the Emperor of Heaven to thank you."

"This little unpleasantness between us, don't you still want to make trouble to the emperor? In the end, the whole heaven knows it?"

Jiang Xinrui stood under the stone lion in the apse of the Tiangong Palace, and turned to stop the phoenix who had been following her.

This will look like Chifeng's eyes are red, and people who don't know think they have been bullied.

Jiang Xinrui has always thought that she is a very sane person, so she can do whatever she wants, and she will not say much.

When it should be clear, it will naturally not be inked.

Especially at this meeting, more and more people came and went out of the library. Jiang Xinrui admitted that her appearance was not low, let alone Chifeng's.

What kind of looks is already recognized, and how beautiful it is, not to mention.

Now that these two men are chasing solemnly in the heavens, they will definitely attract attention.

Originally, she had a lot of eyes when she came to the heavens. Because of her parents' relationship, she would be noticed even more, and there would be trouble if she was a little bit troubled.

Jiang Xinrui didn't want to cause trouble anymore.

Now their family needs to live in seclusion, but everything fails.

But fortunately, it is not impossible now. As long as the matter between Aunt Hua Lin and Bai Kangning is resolved, it will be over.

Now I have found a way, anyway, it is enough.

Jiang Xinrui is content.

Today, she is also very happy to be friends with Chi Feng again, but she did not expect that another accident happened...

"I am sorry……"

"I misunderstood it. I didn't understand it. I thought you were going to kill me and take my heart. I even thought you were going to kill my mother and sister. I was a little panicked for a while."

"You should understand me, think in another place, and don't blame me for thinking too much, you can't completely blame me for this matter, and you didn't explain it..."

"Then don't be angry, you need adult phoenix blood, I can, there are more than three years, I will be an adult, and it will not delay your cousin's four-year period!"

Chi Feng counted the time for Jiang Xinrui very seriously, and when he reached the four-year period, his eyes were smiling.

Because he can just help Jiang Xinrui.

Now, there are only three phoenixes, and the only adult is his mother, but Chi Feng definitely can't let his mother do such a thing, so it is just right for him to go.

He helped Jiang Xinrui because it was his business and would not involve his mother and sister.

Besides, the time is just right, without any delay.

As for the addition of Qilin blood, it is not his ability.

Of course, the most important thing is that Jiang Xinrui didn't want to kill him.

He misunderstood everything.

"You are right. The most important thing between friends is to trust each other. I apologize to you and doubt you too. Don't worry, I will definitely not question you again in the future!"

"If there are any more, you will dig my heart!"

"Such vows are cruel enough? What do you think?"

"Can you forgive me?"

Chi Feng watched as he finished speaking, the person in front of him was still silent, without even giving an expression, Chi Feng couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

He knew in his heart that this did not forgive him, Chi Feng could only continue to promise.

Chi Feng felt that he could afford it and let it go.

If you make a mistake, you must admit it.

My father also told him that since he wants to be a friend, he must trust it with all his heart and exchange his sincerity.

If your heart fails, you can't blame others for being untrue to you.

And now he is suspicious of others...

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