Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3230: : Never agree

As for the beacon in the first place, when he heard Brahma's words, he didn't respond much, and sat down. Although his Demon World did not welcome these people, he was not short of a few chairs.

But Fengying didn't understand why the eldest brother came, so why did he drag the family away?

Last time I was officially dragging my family over, but because of the war?

What's the matter now?

The most important thing is Chi Feng, who keeps looking at Hua Sheng's daughter?

The most important thing is, that look is not like meeting for the first time!

How can they meet?

"Chifeng, come to Sanshu."

Without waiting for Hua Sheng to say anything, Fengying interrupted again and directly called Chi Feng to his side.

He has to ask this kid carefully, what's the matter?

He was absolutely guarded and didn't want the Demon World to have anything to do with Hua Sheng. How could his optimistic successor meet Hua Sheng's daughter?

"Uncle San, what are you looking for? Let's talk about it later, first..."

Chi Feng looked at the appearance of his third uncle, and felt that it should be nothing serious. Jiang Xinrui's mother was about to talk, first interrupted by her father, and now interrupted by her third uncle, Chi Feng was a little anxious.

The children's world is very simple. He likes his friends and little partners, so naturally he wants to give face to the little partner and also the face of her parents.

Besides, Jiang Xinrui's family has come to the Demon Realm now, which is equivalent to his own home, so it is natural to be polite.

"You kid..."

Fengying stared at Chi Feng.

If he didn't understand that Chi Feng and Jiang Xinrui met, then Bai grew so big.

This will make Fengying feel like he is about to have a brain hemorrhage.

Covering his head, not looking at anyone, closing his eyes, not seeing or worrying.

Anyway, his elder brother and sister-in-law are here, so leave it to them.

"His Royal Highness should call me Huasheng. Those names on our husband and wife, but they are all imaginary. Besides, you know that they are all past, just by name. Now we are just ordinary people. ."

Hua Sheng watched the Brahma family come together and glanced at Jiang Liu. He probably guessed in his heart that the Brahma family had also come prepared.

Some things are understood.

And this name is also what she meant with Jiang Liu, naturally unnecessary.

After all, she was begging for someone to come and take her identity again. It was a bit too much, and she was ashamed of the Demon World.

"Just call it by name? Say it earlier, it's much simpler."

Brahma moved forward slightly, sitting across from Hua Sheng, looking at the Hua Sheng family, and when he glanced at Jiang Xinrui, he paused for an extra second.

But I didn't look at it much, just looked at his son's first friend.

"If you still need strength based on your identity, we can't beat the entire Demon Realm now."

"So we don't have the right to object, but if it is an ordinary person, then you have given us the right to refuse, then I can tell."

"I disagree!"

"My wife and I disagree! Never agree."

"So, you don't need to speak anymore, please go back three of you."

"In the future, I will strictly control my children, and I will never disturb you, even your daughters."

"The two children get along, I know, I don’t care, because of the habits of the devil, you and I understand in my heart that when I grow up, I don’t have any memories. I just treat it as my child. It's very curious, besides, your family is not ordinary."

"But it doesn't mean that I can promise everything..."

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