Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3251: : Serving you first

"As long as you two promise me today and keep your promises, Wanfeng and my younger brother are willing to serve you as the master, my siblings and brothers, you two can be dispatched at will, and you will never have two minds in your life!"

Wanfeng's idea is very simple. As long as the river flows, Hua Sheng can promise her and protect her brother. When their family is powerless, she is willing to give her life's freedom to serve the Hua Sheng family.

Normally, it may be that the Huasheng family made a profit for now. After all, it was just a promise to catch the freedom of her and Chi Feng.

When the Huasheng family needs it, they will be on call.

But this is the greatest help to Wanfeng.

As long as Huasheng and Jiangliu are the two biggest backers, and the three realms and six realms have the strongest force value, it is difficult for anyone to fight against them. In this way, Chifeng's safety is guaranteed.

Even if a group of gods and demons attacked by then, Wan Feng thought, all this would be suspended.

After all, if you want to be an enemy of two ancient gods, you have to see if you have this ability.

This can be fatal if you are not careful.

As for her and Chi Feng's freedom, although important, it would be nothing special without a life.

Besides, it is also the most important thing. Wanfeng can see that the Huasheng family has no need for her and her younger brother. If Huasheng and Jiang Liu can't handle it, she and Chifeng can't do much.

Of course, except for the Phoenix blood now.

There were only these three phoenixes in the whole world.

"It looks like Chi Feng's body does have a big secret..."

Jiang Liu muttered in a low voice, with some unclear expressions in his eyes.

Actually speaking, Jiang Liu had some guesses, but this guess was not very sure. After all, Jiang Liu didn't know all the secrets of other races.

Many things are not what Jiang Liu can pay attention to.

It's just that the more he said this, the more Jiang Liu couldn't agree directly. In Wanfeng's eyes, he would not touch the safety of the Three Realms and Six Paths.

But this was just seeing the world from Wanfeng's eyes, what Jiang Liu saw was different.

Even if he really doesn't care about anything now, he still lives in the human world according to Hua Sheng's idea!

It is impossible for Jiang Liu to really ignore it.

Even if Hua Sheng didn't care, Jiang Liu did.

This is not just because of the mission of the Emperor Chen Yuan. Jiang Liu believes that Hua Sheng will not really care. You must know that there are no eggs under the covering nest. If something happens to the Three Realms and Six Paths, the Human Realm will always be the first to be harmed. biggest.

Then how can he and Hua Sheng live peacefully?

It's impossible to take your daughter to set up an enchantment like Brahma, right?

The barrier will be broken sooner or later, and it will not hold people's hearts.

Jiang Liu is now not only worried about the problem of Hua Lin's mother and son unlocking the curse, but is blocked by new problems.

That is Chifeng...

If you don't know the whole story, it would be equivalent to another bomb detonating at any time.

In fact, it's no fault Hua Sheng thought of trouble.

It's really troublesome.

It's just that no matter how troublesome, Jiang Liu didn't complain about Chifeng, even if he didn't know the whole story, he understood that it was not what the child wanted...

"Sister Wanfeng feels that according to my parents' abilities, does she need any protection?"

"Besides, Sister Wanfeng has already found us when she seeks refuge, and she doesn't even have the ability to protect herself. What can we do with you?"

"Sister Wanfeng's transaction with my parents is a bit unreasonable, right?"

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