Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3253: : Nothing else

"Do you not cherish your life so much?"

"If Chi Feng knew that you had made such a concession, would he agree? Can he live comfortably?"

"You not only don't cherish, you even want to use moral kidnapping to force my parents to do business with you, and even the peace of the Three Realms and Six Paths has been brought out. You know that my parents only seek peace and a flat life these years..."

"The Three Realms and the Six Ways are in chaos, then there is really no need to live..."

After Jiang Xinrui finished speaking, her expression slowly disappeared, whether it was because of Chifeng's relationship or because of her conscience.

She didn't want to watch Wanfeng press all her life and freedom on her own family, even Chifeng's.

This is why Jiang Xinrui chose to stand up.

She knew very well that her parents wouldn't really want to do anything to Wanfeng's sister and brother, except for the phoenix blood of course.

It's just that Jiang Xinrui still feels that when Wanfeng said this, she was a little bit persecuted, and even today she couldn't hear her parents' nodding to defend, Wanfeng would not let it go.

And Jiang Xinrui can see clearly and think clearly, not sure what is going on with Chi Feng, even she feels uneasy, let alone her parents?

They have to bear a little bit more in their hearts, even thinking about the peace of the Three Realms and Six Paths.

Jiang Xinrui didn't understand before, why did she have to live so tired, and take things that have nothing to do with her, and people, so seriously?

No matter where something happened, as long as it violated the safety of the Three Realms and Six Paths, even in this small river city today, whoever dares to cause something here, parents will take care of it.

Even if they said nothing, Jiang Xinrui believed that they would never hesitate.

After all, this is what they once guarded, how can they bear to watch them be destroyed?

This is like my own child...

Jiang Xinrui felt that her growth had nothing to do with her age, but was prompted by an event in her life.

In the illusion of Guai Tan Shu Ling, Jiang Xinrui saw the illusion twice. The first time was the time when she got the answer from Phoenix Heart. It was also the time Jiang Xinrui saw her parents in Jiangcheng before she was born. What I did during the Celestial Realm...

Even if it was a hurried moment, it flashed across the eyes like movie fragments, but the mother and daughter were connected, Jiang Xinrui felt the eagerness in her mother's heart at that time.

I feel the love of my mother and father for this world.

Jiang Xinrui thought she should have changed.

She has always felt that the life and death of other people has nothing to do with her. It's all about love. She only needs her family to be well.

Even if the Three Realms and Six Paths are all destroyed, it does not matter, as long as the family is well...

Just looking at the changes in the illusion, Jiang Xinrui understood a lot that her parents love the world and are maintaining it, and once the world is gone.

If anyone is gone, their existence becomes meaningless, loneliness becomes the norm, and life becomes dull.

Even more tragic is that no one knows that the accident and tomorrow will come first.

"I just want my brother to live well. Our family is working hard for my brother to live well. We just want to make a deal. I will help you and you will help me."

"If you feel that it is not enough, the efforts of both of us are not equal. The only thing I can get out is my Phoenix Heart, nothing else."

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