Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3258: : Become profitable

When Jiang Xinrui heard Jiang Liu's words, she could only choose to be silent, and she could not go against the meaning of her parents.

No matter how anxious he was, he did not refute Jiang Liu.

In Jiang Xinrui's view, when her parents refuse, it is the most stupid way to follow the rebellion directly. She will wait for her parents to calm down, mention inadvertently, find the right time, and persuade softly. Generally, she will succeed. Undefeated...

And why doesn't Jiang Liu know Jiang Xinrui's careful thinking? It's just that he won't nod easily this time, because he refused Jiang Xinrui to visit Chi Feng.

There is another point that Jiang Liu didn't say, that is, he doesn't want his daughter to go, but selfishly, he doesn't want Jiang Xinrui to go to the Demon World...

Is this his intimate little padded jacket?

How to care about others everywhere?

Of course, Jiang Liu is not so stingy. In fact, he didn't want Jiang Xinrui to have more and more connections with Chi Feng.

Especially taking advantage of the present.

If Chi Feng really knows something, can't accept it, feels confused, and sees the truth in adversity, even though he doesn't know what the difficulty is, this is enough for Jiang Liu to refuse.

It is precisely because of not being clear that Jiang Liu could not imagine the seriousness or simplicity of the matter.

In case the relationship between the two children becomes better because of any emotional changes, it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Changed Jiang Xinrui's personality and made her become herself. She started to have worried people and more extra thoughts, so she didn't have to live in a template all day long.

Jiang Liu is happy, and Hua Sheng is even more the same.

It's just that the two people didn't show it directly, and it was also because of the constant situation recently...

But now Chifeng doesn't know what's wrong with him. There is only one thing. A little carelessness will cause peace in the Three Realms and Six Paths. This is not what Jiang Liu wants...

Things that are completely beyond control are not what Jiang Liu wants to see.

He knows that this is very innocent to Chi Feng, but he is now a father, and even a selfish father. For his daughter to get out of the haze, he can watch a little boy’s company to his daughter, and at the same time in the little boy’s Jiang Liu will immediately stand up and say no if something uncontrollable occurs on him!

Prevent the two children from interacting again.

Of course, all this happened in secret, even accidentally.

Jiang Liu also wanted to keep an image in Jiang Xinrui's heart.

So in the end, Brahma, for his son, let Chifeng go to the human world to talk to Jiang Xinrui, and Jiang Liu, for his daughter, can also watch someone approach his child.

Although the two fathers have not met yet, they have already started to fight for their children.

Everything is just for the children.

Don't say who has more routines this time!

I can only say that it depends on the development of the last two children, because only this is what they cannot change and participate in...

If one party is unsatisfactory, it may become a "Sura Field" at any time.

And now some signs of "Sura Field" have begun to appear.

It can't be said that who couldn't hold on for the first time, fell the handle, and the relationship that was temporarily eased, because of the Phoenix blood this time, became tense, it can also be said that it has become full of benefits.

The transaction between the two parties became clear.

When Chi Feng is in a good mood, he may gradually understand that his father wants to sell him to the Huasheng family for his safety?

But Chi Feng doesn't have this idea yet, because he is still sinking into self-blame and guilt, especially when he sees his sister coming back with joy...

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