Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3260: : A little restraint

So it's no wonder that the Brahma couple are anxious, and they dare not let more people know.

Especially the secret of Chi Feng couldn't be hidden for too long at all. Once Chi Feng was injured, his own Phoenix blood would flow out, there was no need to explain anything, and it didn't need anyone to know how Feng Clan's secret was.

Everyone will be attracted, just like a poppy, exuding an attractive atmosphere.

It can't be controlled at all.

It won't be long before the blood of the blazing phoenix blends into the entire Three Realms and Six Paths with the air, and merges with it.

In fact, Luo Yao thought for a long time, she slowly understood that perhaps the existence of the blood phoenix was not only to protect the Feng Clan, but also to nourish the Three Realms and Six Paths!

There is a blood phoenix for thousands of years. It is rare to say that the blood, flesh, soul, muscles and bones of the blood phoenix can be integrated into the three realms and six realms with the air. At the same time, it is attracting all living creatures. They get this bit of blood in the air. The cultivation base will be lean.

In this way, in any case, the Three Realms and Six Paths have changed.

And for thousands of years, the Three Realms and the Six Paths have not known how many battles they have gone through, and how the creatures have been so charcoaled, they need to be repaired. The blood phoenix appears, and the repair is a matter of time...

But Luo Yao didn't want to think like this. She buried this idea deeply in her heart. She would rather hope that Chi Feng is a blood phoenix who protects the Feng Clan than that Chi Feng becomes a mascot that sacrifices herself and warms everyone.

If you want to nourish the entire Three Realms and Six Paths, it will kill Chi Feng!

Luo Yao could not accept his child, because he was born for sacrifice! dedicating……

At this time, Luo Yao had to admit that she was an extremely selfish mother, she didn't have such a great mind, let alone the spirit of dedication.

The mother who can do whatever it takes to live only for her child!

Now it is not just Luo Yao who has this idea, Brahma, Wanfeng, and even Fengying are also the same.

They are left with each other.

Although only Zhanyue was left, half of the sky in the Demon World collapsed after they saw it...

The remaining half can only be maintained by all of them holding together.

"Now I am completely relieved. When the goddess Xuannv and Emperor Chenyuan were in the heavens, they said they were one and the same. Moreover, ancient gods like them would never break their promises, and they took vows again."

"Your father, I feel at ease, Chi Feng, you don't need to have any pressure in your heart, and we don't rely on them for this. I will definitely take action when they need it."

"Wanfeng is right. Now is when we need to reach out for assistance. Since there is still a unicorn, we will follow it. Although there are more than three years left, time is the least waiting for anyone."

"We find it in advance, prepare, and make sure that it is foolproof. If we can't cooperate for the first time, let the Emperor Chenyuan and God's family see that we can't do things well, even if they don't need us."

"As for this unicorn, there is only one I know, and it is related to the ancient gods. Those old gods are not a few left, far away in Fengdu, Emperor Fengdu, his mount, I remember that it was the unicorn... "

Brahma stood up as he said, with joy on his face, just a little restraint, and he was still thinking about what to do next. It was really no time delay.

Although there are still three years, it may be a long time for the human world, but for them, it is really not much...

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