Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3268: : Some discussion

Fengying was by the side and laughed in a low voice. He really didn't know when Wanfeng, the girl, had such a clear mind. She was so good at winking, it was obvious that the alcohol still had a great effect.

It's just that Fengying couldn't laugh anymore soon. Brother and sister-in-law looked at him together. Fengying suddenly felt a bit cold, and hurried to follow.

He didn't want to face the Shura field of these two men, besides, this was originally Luo Yao's unilateral attack.

"Fengying, you come back to me!"

"When did I pour it in one bite? I never drank you down before..."

Brahma was first exposed by his daughter, and this was ridiculed by his younger brother. Brahma felt that today was the biggest blow to him.

However, Fengying had already gone so far. He could not hear Brahma for a long time after leaving the barrier, and did not respond at all.

Brahma is also the default.

In fact, even if Fengying could hear these, it wouldn't have any reaction, maybe she would still shout to know.

After all, he still gave the eldest brother's face. As for the ridicule, he still kept it low.

Brahma's reaction was just a roll of Luo Yao's eyes.

In fact, among the three brothers, Brahma is the worst drinker. Chi Feng broke this record and became worse...

Although this matter is a bit embarrassing for a man, it can be regarded as arousing a few people's emotions because of drinking.

All the troubles are temporarily forgotten.

No matter what, life still has to go on.

Of course Chi Feng didn't really sleep for a hundred years, but one bite, plus a bit of emotional shock, some can't bear it, just fell down with one bite, and woke up after three days of sleep...

During the three days in Chifeng’s sleep, some things are considered open secrets. After all, the two walked around each other without deliberately concealing them. Coupled with Hua Sheng’s relationship with the Demon World, it’s not a secret. When Sheng went to the Demon World, he still took her husband and children, which also caused a lot of discussion.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or unintentional, Wanfeng's journey to the Spring Breeze of Ten Miles revealed her traces. Not to mention how many people watched the Spring Breeze of Ten Miles, even the Demon Realm has always had eyes.

The son of the devil’s family has a very good relationship with the daughter of Emperor Chenyuan. Although the two families don’t have much contact, the two children are like childhood sweethearts. There are many rumors in the Three Realms and Six Paths...

The two are really too eye-catching, even if you want to keep a low profile.

Hua Sheng had also noticed this. He no longer entangled in the ordinary life, and he should take one step at a time.

Moreover, the current problem has not been resolved.

Hua Sheng still remembered the unicorn, but didn't find it. With more than three years left, Hua Sheng also wanted to find a new way as much as possible, neither using that unicorn blood nor Phoenix blood.

No one has to hurt, let alone owe something.

at the same time.

Jiangcheng Psychiatric Hospital.

"Dean Li, how many girls are you missing here? Are all the mental patients here?"

Feng Xi is dressed in simple sportswear, with a bobo head full of ears, and has a serious expression, but it is still obvious that she has been refreshed this month.

As for Qin Wanyu, he was still watching quietly, while Qin Xiaobao was temporarily staying at his grandparents' house.

This is her first job in confinement, and Qin Wanyu must be uneasy, and will follow whatever she says.

Feng Xi didn't object, otherwise she wouldn't let it out. Finally, she had the opportunity to move her muscles and bones. How could Feng Xi let it go, and if she didn't do anything, she really felt that she was going to show off.

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