Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3277: : Can't kill anymore

The little **** the stone bed was shocked when she heard the sound above her head.

She finally heard the movement, but she didn't know what the phrase "is not", she always felt that she would not be cold anymore?

And the person who spoke, standing on top of the little girl's head, his eyes were fierce, but strange, he seemed to be struggling, sometimes sad and sometimes fierce.

His eyes were placed on the four bronze mirrors, as if to see a different world through it.

The corners of the mouth moved slightly, or it could be said to be trembling, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't control it.


"Where are you... I can't find you anymore, this is not you either..."

The man's tone is relatively gentle, and this gentleness carries a little sadness.

The little **** the stone bed looked at the man above her head through the bronze mirror. When she said this, her fierce eyes became sad, as if the fierceness just now was an illusion.

But soon the little girl realized that it was not an illusion, and the gentle side seemed more like an illusion.

"Master, since this is not the case, there is no need to keep it."

"Take it for dinner."

The person who said this was still the same body, but his eyes became fierce again.

The gentle appearance just now really seemed like an illusion.

The little **** the stone bed understood it, but she would rather not understand it herself.

Over the past eighteen years, thanks to her father's career, she still has an understanding of the mentally ill, and this person in front of her should be a dual personality.

That's why it will be gentle and fierce.

It’s just that the little girl seems to have forgotten. Even if it is a dual personality, it should be a person, right?

This one doesn't seem to be a person.

After all, if it were a human being, how could there be a black room on the cheek?

Without a mask, how could you only see the eyes and mouth with fangs?

Actually, I can’t blame the little girl for ignoring this. She is so young. Now she is completely stupid. There is only one sentence in her mind, that is, she is going to be treated as dinner...

If she could speak, she would really shout.

But she can't, her mouth seems to have something invisible to control her mouth firmly, her mouth can't speak, her body can't move anymore, the only thing that can move her whole body is her eyeballs...

But what is the difference between moving and not moving the eyeballs?

The little girl begged for mercy with her eyes, hoping to influence her gentle personality.

But the little girl was destined to be disappointed.

Because that gentle personality does not seem to be the master personality, he has no control over it.

" more killing of innocents..."

"If you commit too many crimes, you will eventually be condemned by God!"

"The reincarnation of Heaven will not let us go..."

The gentle personality said in a bit painful tone, he seemed to occupy this body for a short time.

In fact, if it takes longer, he can control it and won't let it kill.

Those on the ground have long lost their vital signs, their souls have been sucked, and now they are just empty shells...

"Master! What are you still talking about now?"

"Do you forget how this way of heaven treats you? How did it treat the mistress?"

"Back then, you never hurt the innocent. What happened? The mistress died, and you became such a person, not a person, a ghost, not a ghost. If we weren't united as one, you would have disappeared in this world..."

"It has been more than seventy years, and we have exhausted all means to find the reincarnation of the mistress. This is what we found ourselves. It is all our own contributions. What does it have to do with that ghost?"

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