Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3276: : Painful depression

After Feng Xi finished speaking, Qin Wanyu was silent.

Ever since Yuan Shao knelt in front of him last time and stabbed himself twice, Qin Wanyu really did not do anything. It was just an accident this time. Who would have thought that Jiangcheng was so big?

When Feng Xi confinement came out, was this the first job I did?

Say it was Yuanjia Luzhao, Feng Xi didn't want to do anything with her, he couldn't forgive it.

Seeing Qin Wanyu's silence and Feng Xi's silence, both of them fell into their own inner world. Although Yu Ping's affairs disturbed Feng Xi's mood, it was only temporary.

Feng Xi's heart is still full of thoughts.

It can be said that if you usually see Yu Ping, perhaps Feng Xi will not be so calm, and there will still be some fluctuations.

She was a party to what happened that day.

Blood, child...

Feng Xi clearly felt the loss, how could she not be afraid?

It's just that she didn't show it, and the hearts of those around her were about to fall out. She couldn't mess up everyone's hearts, but it didn't mean that Feng Xi was indifferent.

It's just that I saw it today, and with the missing girl, Feng Xi's heart was in a mess.

At this time, Feng Xi would definitely go to Hua Sheng to discuss it without hesitation.

But today, Feng Xi knew in her heart that she couldn't go to Hua Sheng until this matter was investigated.

Because I found it, Hua Sheng wouldn’t know...

at the same time.

Somewhere in Jiangcheng.

I can't see any buildings around, and they don't seem to be. In short, it is very simple, like a dark basement with faint lights, but it does not hinder the surrounding environment.

In the place where the light is gathered, there is something like an altar...No, it should be said to be an altar. A rectangular stone bed stands in the middle, and on the stone bed lies a little girl in a red dress, who looks at it. At the age of nine, blood-red charms were still painted on the stone bed leaking around the little girl.

On the stone bed, there are a pair of bronze mirrors at the four corners, illuminating the little girl with a sluggish expression. Naturally, this bronze mirror is not for looking in the mirror, but for illuminating the person on the stone bed. …

Upon closer inspection, the bronze mirror is suspended on the stone bed, and a thin silver wire is pierced in the center of the bronze mirror. Four bronze mirrors and four wires are interlaced to form a transparent net, which will secure the little girl. Locked firmly.

Of course, this is not just for locking the little girl, it is connected to the blood-red spell on the stone bed...

As for the **** the stone bed, her eyes were already swollen from crying, but she couldn't make a sound, she could only shed tears, she didn't know where it was or when.

She only knew that she was going to her father’s workplace to wait for her father, because her father said that she would give her a car for her birthday, and she didn’t see anything, so she was here in a daze...

The little girl was very scared because she saw many girls lying around the stone bed through the mirror, motionless, not knowing whether it was dead or alive, she was afraid...

As for the little girls around the stone bed, there are no more, no less, counting the red skirts, there are exactly seventeen, all of whom have recently disappeared from Jiangcheng!

Life or death is unknown.

"is not……"

At this moment, a person slowly stood up in the dark, tall, with a dark face, but his eyes could still be seen, fierce as a Tongling, with bloodthirsty fangs at the corners of his mouth.

The tone is with suppressed pain!

But even so, it is not difficult to see that he is still somewhat human, but he is a little wider than normal.

From the back, it really looks like a **** bear, that is, a blind bear.

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