Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3279: :receive punishment

The end result is that no matter how the gentle personality is controlled or what it says, the girl who is controlled on the stone bed is still dead.

Seeing more and more girl corpses around, the gentle personality fell into contemplation once again. He couldn't believe that this was all done by himself.

If he didn't have that obsession, would he not become what he is today?

"It's already the seventeenth. Perhaps the January birth I calculated was wrong. After all, more than 70 years have passed, and Ayu may not have died. After all, the spell was cast on him."

"There is no possibility of reincarnation."

"It's because I'm stuck in obsession and can't extricate myself. After we wake up, we shouldn't think about the past again..."

The gentle personality looks lonely, he really doesn't want to look for it.

There are endless possibilities without seeing.

No matter what it looks like, he can still imagine that if he sees it, he really doesn't know what mentality to use to see her.

Just what he looks like now?

How can I let Ayu see the ghost that I don't want to see?

"This is not, then find the next one!"

"Since you said that the one born in January may be wrong, then look for all the girls born on the first eighteen years ago, no matter what month, find all the girls in Jiangcheng!"

"Our location is not wrong. The place of birth is the place of death. The two of us are the same for divination. In the end, none of the girls above are not. Then don't let one go!"

"I will always find..."

"Just tell me, in your heart, do you still want to find, do you want to see her? As long as you want, I will help you continue to find!"

"Have you forgotten what you thought at the moment you awoke? So many years of grievances, can you just endure it?"

"And your child, when you knew the little master, it was the news of his death..."

"After putting up with it for so many years, and trying everything to make you have today, do you really want to give up like this?"

"Finding the mistress is only our first step. We still have a lot to do. We must avenge the little master and give yourself a sigh of relief. For the so-called face, your paternal master will have everything about you, all Obliterate it and count it on others...what is the reason for this?"

"How willing!"

The fierce personality, the more he speaks, the more excited he becomes, and he can't wait to kill everything for its owner now.

It can't tolerate how this world can become like this at all.

Good people live as ants, hiding in the ground all day long, while those hypocritical and decent things are blatantly active in front of them!

Enjoying everything that should be its owner.

How can this make it bearable?

If it hadn't been just a few days after waking up, and still needed a lot of Yang Qi soul nourishment, it would have already rushed out.

Re-teach those people how to be human.

"When I thought I was bound to die, I was really not reconciled. Watching Ayu die in my arms, when I was powerless, I was not reconciled. My child, I didn't even see him, and I was not reconciled... "

"But no amount of unwillingness is over. It has been over seventy years. Those people who used to be are no longer there. Everything has been changed. They have also been destroyed by time. They are doing what they do. I have endured the retribution, and everything about me...not others..."

"That's my brother. Even if it's not him, there are others. I want to leave and do things that the family can't accept. I have also been punished by me!"

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