Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3280: : Finding a Needle in a Haystack

The gentle personality controls the body, the eyes are full of nostalgia, even if it is unwilling to say, but the body is not unwilling.

When he first regained consciousness, he left the profound realm and came to the world, looking at this city that he had survived for so long, now he was totally different.

The most important thing is that those people from the past are gone.

He thought that everything happened only yesterday, but he did not expect that seventy years had passed!

His family has gone, his enemies have passed away one after another, and he has suffered a lot of serious injuries during his lifetime. What else can he do?

When he felt so lonely, he thought of his wife and the child he had never met. He thought of his former ability, divination.

Although his cultivation was exhausted before he died, the things he had learned were already engraved in his mind.

In addition to his current state, he has no own cultivation base, but shares everything with the master of this body, including its cultivation base.

In this way, he divined that his wife actually reincarnated...

And the child has no information.

Because it is a spirit body that has not grown up, and the mother body is not an ordinary person, there is no trace of the child.

Fortunately, he found his wife, but now, looking at the corpses around him, he knew that he could not find it.

He can't condone it anymore.

The more you find, the more casualties will increase.

"Give up, let's go back to where we belong..."

"Xuanwu, I can't let you lose everything because of me!"

The gentle personality wanted to appease the fierce one, thinking about raising his hand to touch it as usual, but he touched the air.

He forgot again, now it is not it, and he is not him anymore.

"You saw it too, we can't go back..."

"Either go forward or die here!"

"All I have is you, Master. If you are gone, so will I be gone! It makes no sense for me to do all this."

"Now you are still allowed to choose. Choose whatever you want."

"Continue or go back, forward or die!"

When Xuanwu said this, his fierce eyes became calm.

It is not that it cannot control itself.

Those little girls were killed for them.

Now the bodies of the two of them need nutrition, and these girls are the best nutrient solution.

Eating them will help their bodies and cultivation.

Only by becoming strong can you be qualified to negotiate.

To find what they want.

Everything it did, even if it was sacrificing its own body, or even a self-cultivation, locked the last bit of the master's remnant soul into the body, and now it has become like this, so that the master can have a chance to be reborn.

When the time comes, even if it dies, it is enough for the owner to live.

But now, if the person you ask for has no obsession with life, what else does it have?


A sorrowful moan came out, and then neither of them was talking...

On the other side, Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu have returned to Feng's house.

According to the original plan, Feng Xi should go to Qin's house to pick up Qin Xiaobao, but she has more important things now.


Feng Xi summoned Qingfeng and asked them to patrol the location of the missing girl at night, and then to see what they found, by the way...

Because Feng Xi didn't know whether there would be any missing cases in Jiangcheng.

"Do you still think there is a problem?"

"We don't have any clues. The Qingfengs just went out and searched aimlessly. Wouldn't it be the same as finding a needle in a haystack? How can we investigate this?

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