Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3282: : Is it him

The eyes were full of whiteness. Feng Xi stood in the middle, looking for Feng Wuming's traces. On the eve of her dream, she had already notified Feng Wuming.

It's just that Feng Xi has been searching for a long time, but hasn't seen any figure?

If it wasn't because she couldn't go directly to find Feng Wuming, according to Feng Xi's quick temper, she would have looked for it.

She wanted to find Feng Wuming, so she could only wait for Feng Wuming to come to her.


"I've already said, I have something to look for you, why didn't I show up?"

Feng Xi is a little anxious, and if Feng Wuming is not found at this time, then she can't be sure who that person is.

If something continues to happen here, Feng Xi doesn't know what to do for a while.

She can't think of what to do next.

"I already know what you are going to say. The evil spirits are making chaos. Do whatever your duty is. Don't worry about the rest. You can't let the people of Jiangcheng suffer. You can solve it as soon as possible. In addition, be careful..."

"There is something on my side, and I still need to deal with it. You can solve it by yourself, don't find me, a dead old man, for everything."

Feng Wuming walked out in front of Feng Xi's eyes as if calling for a long time, with a tired face.

Obviously he was already a dead person, there was no such thing as too much feeling, he was not a **** like Feng Qingcheng.

It's just that now it looks like a lot of experience.

After a few simple words with Feng Xi, he turned around and left without giving Feng Xi a chance to speak.

This scene directly made Feng Xi silly.

Grandpa didn't look like this before, how come it is now?

Now that you know it, just leave like this?

No matter what, don't ask? This is not in line with Feng Wuming's usual style.

Feng Xi couldn't help but shouted: "Grandpa, wait a minute!"

"You said you know everything, do you know that person too? He looks a lot like you!"

"I have seen photos of Grandpa when he was young..."

"Who is he? Your brother...?"

"Feng Wuxian? But isn't he dead? How can there be a possibility of resurrection? Or...that way?"

"Don't you really know?"

Feng Xi stopped in front of Feng Wuming, although the speed of speaking was a bit slow, but it was also unbelievable in a certain sentence.

In the eyes of the eagle-eyed old man, Feng Xi saw what he saw...

For a moment, the world before him was like a movie, interspersed with Feng Xi's eyes.

Even if she knows nothing about Feng Wumian, she already knows that this person once existed, and even knows his relationship with his grandfather, a biological brother.

How could Feng Xi not recognize it.

If there were still doubts before, but now, Feng Xi thinks that he doesn't even have any doubts. That's for sure, but he can't believe it.

She should have guessed long ago that Feng Wumian might still exist in this world in another way, and the spread of that ancient book would not be casual.

From Feng Xi's point of view, Feng Wuming must have known something. It is very likely that he knew it for the first time. Otherwise, how could Feng Wuming remain silent when something like this happened to Jiang Chengfa?

The loss of seventeen girls one after another, all born in one month, is not a trivial matter in itself.

Besides, Fengxi won't happen as a trivial matter!

Although Feng Xi had no evidence that grandpa knew about it a long time ago, she had a strong instinct.

So now I will ask straightforwardly, even in an incredulous tone...

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