Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3283: : Be cautious

When Feng Wuming heard Feng Xi's words, his footsteps stopped. Of course, this was also because Feng Xi was blocking the way before his eyes, and Feng Wuming couldn't go even if he wanted to.

Hearing Feng Xi's words in his ears made Feng Wuming not know what to say for a while.

"Because I told you something last time, you know, now what happened to him, even in his head?"

"Now come to ask your grandpa again?"

"There is such a thing in Jiangcheng, as for you to make such a big move? Light incense and ask the ancestor to find me? You are such a big move, the Queen of Heaven already knows, and she wants to come to the human world to see what happened."

"Fortunately, I found out that it was blocked in time, and the heavens must come to take care of something? Besides, the ancestors of the Qingcheng were the ancestors of our Feng family. The Feng family members not only cultivated into gods, but even became queens. How big is that? The honor?"

"If you think that the Feng Family has something to do, the Queen of Labor will come forward. Have you ever thought about how people would describe the Queen, and how would you talk about the Feng Family? We can't make trouble for the ancestors of the Qingcheng. We must let her have no worries. Okay, you're going to be a third-level person, why don't you understand it?"

"Why did the Feng Family thank guests behind closed doors since the ancestors of Allure became a goddess, be cautious, and be more clean and self-conscious than before, and why can we not come forward without showing up for many things? If we have any problems, it will directly affect Allure. The situation of the ancestors!"

"No matter what the Emperor Bairan is now or in the future, we can't let the ancestors of Qingcheng be put under control because of us. The last thing we dare to bet is that sincerity, how much love is true, and if we don't love, it is true that we hurt each other! "

"It used to be the Fox Emperor. Even if the Feng Family fights to death, he can hurt him a bit. It can teach him a lesson, but it will be difficult to catch the Three Realms and Six Paths. The only mother of the Qingcheng Ancestor is us. We can't cover it. She, at least can't trouble her."

"I always thought I didn’t need to say these words. The Feng Family has always had a certain status only in the human world. Even the ancestors of the Allure, who fumbled and crawled in the heavens, have been criticized by other immortals only because of their status as a human god. , Now we’ve done it again, we can’t control the details, we just need to know the results.

"Be cautious, be cautious in words and deeds, self-denial and be cautious... Having said so much, you are required to be cautious, cautious, and then cautious! If anything happens, think about it, and do it..."

After Feng Wuming finished speaking, he sighed and turned and left, without giving Feng Xi a chance to finish speaking, and disappeared into Feng Xi's dream.

And after Feng Wuming disappeared, Feng Xi also seemed to be hit by something, and suddenly woke up.

Then he separated from the dream, staring at the surrounding environment, her home, her room...

Feng Xi blinked his eyes and reacted. It has been a long time since his grandfather was forced to wake up from his dream. This rough feeling is really familiar and unfamiliar.

"Xixi, how are you? What did you ask? What did Grandpa say?"

Qin Wanyu has been sitting next to Fengxi, watching Fengxi enter his dream.

Seeing Feng Xi sitting up like a corpse, she was startled. Couldn't it be a big secret that can't be solved?

When Feng Xi looked nervous and went into a dream to find Feng Wuming, Qin Wanyu was always worried, for fear that Feng Xi would encounter something that could not be solved...

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