Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3294: : Stop loss in time

Qin Xiaobao's appearance was soft in his heart when he looked at Fengxi.

Anything I just said to Qin Wanyu will be crushed before Qin Xiaobao.

Feng Xi hugged Qin Xiaobao tightly without speaking, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Perhaps only when he holds Qin Xiaobao, Feng Xi can clearly feel that he is already a mother.

The people or things she wants to protect have increased.

Many times, Feng Xi thought it was okay. Qin Xiaobao wouldn't care. After all, he was still young, so how could he know so much? When he grew up, Feng Xi thought, Qin Xiaobao would understand her painstaking efforts.

But before he grew up, Feng Xi was already reluctant to be separated from him, even if it was a minute and a second, she couldn't bear it.

"There is really something wrong with us..."

"Mom, can you take care of it for a while? Qin Xiaobao looks quite obedient..."

Qin Wanyu listened to his mother's words, thought for a while, still wanted to send Qin Xiaobao over.

After all, in the hands of the nanny, he is not at ease. As for Qingfeng, they can only look after it at night, and now there are things to do at night.

As for the others, Qin Wanyu could not go out at this time.

Although he was reluctant to bear it in his heart, he didn't want the wind to go away, knowing that this time the mother brought the child with him is the best time.

But it is precisely because of this that if Qin Wanyu accepts these words, he will be forced by the wind with his mother.

Besides, he has already said what he should say, and Feng Xi has already chosen. Qin Wanyu will not say anything anymore, entangled with Feng Xi.

If it is decided, then it is decided. Qin Wanyu is not a dragger.

After all, he is a middle-aged person, and he can't speak and act like a child.

"What is it? Can't do it during the day? Have to wait until this time?"

"I don't care about anything, I don't watch this kid, then if you are really busy, then think of your own way, I'm leaving, no need to give it away..."

Mother Qin didn't say much, looking at her son like that, she simply hated iron and steel.

In the past, she thought that Qin Wanyu was very reassuring to her, so she would also be a mother who reassured her son.

Look at the result now?

Little days are broken!

Knowing this a long time ago, he was not allowed to play with Jiang Liu. From Qin's mother, Qin Wanyu is now on par with Jiang Liu.

I live in my daughter-in-law’s house. I listen to my daughter-in-law and leave everything alone...

Mother Qin didn't want to become the pitiful and hateful appearance of Jiang's parents now, so she didn't say much, let alone participate, and turned around and left.

No opportunity for Qin Wanyu and Feng Xi to say anything at all.

After all, if you talk too much, you will have more participation.

People of their time really couldn't accept the way of doing things in their time.

It’s no wonder that Jiang Liu’s parents were crazy. They can’t control anything anymore. They are still crazy. Although Jiang Liu has left a lot of people and took care of them carefully, the family has it. I can't go back to the estrangement.

Mother Qin didn't want to be uncontrollable in the end, so if she stopped in time, it could be regarded as a timely stop.

She did everything she could and didn't care about the others.

Looking at his mother's back, Qin Wanyu felt really uncomfortable.

Think about him as middle-aged, and worry about his mother.

The mother is always worried about sending the child back at this time.

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