Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3295: : Can't get out

Qin Wanyu always felt that he, whether he is a husband, a son, or even a father, is okay, but now that he looks at it, it’s really okay...

He thinks too much.

"What should I do now? Or send it to Feng's house."

"Parents are also talking about their children. It doesn't matter where you put them anyway, you definitely can't wrong him. You can be familiar with the environment in Feng's house in advance."

Qin Wanyu lowered his head to look at his son, feeling more complicated.

This kid doesn't know anything yet.

Because I had discussed with the Feng Family, as the heir of the Feng Family, he should naturally come into contact with the Feng Family's things, but because Qin Xiaobao was still young, he placed Qin Xiaobao in the Qin Family before he was busy studying.

This can be regarded as the old people of the two families are considered but thinking.

As for the evening, Qin Wanyu will bring the child back, and he will follow the trend.

But these two days were really unexpected. Qin Wanyu couldn't pick up this incident because they didn't know when they had to leave, so they couldn't take the children.

Qin Wanyu couldn't protect herself, let alone take a child with him, so he couldn't take a care of himself.

Mother Qin was also because she had not picked up the child for two days, so she was afraid that she was thinking about something. Of course, Qin Wanyu felt that she should have missed something.

Otherwise, he wouldn't come over at this inch.

No notice at all.

Of course now, it is useless to say these now, Qin Wanyu is really thinking about what to do and send the child over.

Feng Xi kept listening to Qin Wanyu's words, but Feng Xi did not answer.

I didn't look at adding a child, I can say anything, at most I feel distressed, but this will hold Qin Xiaobao in his arms, and Feng Xi can't bear to let go.

Her child, how could she be willing to leave her hands.

It's just that at this time, Feng Xi knows more about himself and has a lot to do.

In the end, he was cruel and wanted to pass the child to Qin Wanyu.

"It's not necessary, you follow the child."

"Take care of him at home, I'll go by myself..."

Feng Xi reached out and put Qin Xiaobao in Qin Wanyu's arms while talking.

This time she did not intend to take Qin Wanyu with him.

I didn’t think about it anymore, so I asked Qin Wanyu to watch the child at home...

But I don't know why, Qin Xiaobao may have sensed his mother's intentions. He was fine in Fengxi's arms. There was no distress. Even the physical tears of sleepy came out, and there was no disturbance.

When Feng Xi was about to let go, Qin Xiaobao seemed to be frightened and burst into tears with a wow.

That cry, it seemed like how wronged.

And Qin Xiaobao's crying also made Qin Wanyu cry in a mess.

No matter how Qin Wanyu hugged Qin Xiaobao, it was useless. He just kept crying, even getting worse.

The voice changed.

Qin Wanyu sweated anxiously in an instant, and Feng Xi gasped distressedly.

After that, he couldn't take care of that much, and took Qin Xiaobao back.

It is also strange, Qin Xiaobao stopped crying as if he could feel his mother's embrace.

But they still smoked, after all, they cried too hard.

The whole face had already cried and turned into a small cat. Feng Xi felt distressed and sat on the sofa holding Qin Xiaobao.

He coaxed him in a low voice, and after a while Qin Xiaobao slowly closed his eyes, but his little hand kept pulling Fengxi's collar, as if worried that Fengxi would leave.

Seeing this, Qin Wanyu didn't know what to say, so he raised his hand and closed the door.

He thought, there is no need for Feng Xi to say anything, he also knows that Feng Xi can't get out of this door today...

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