Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3308: : Inexplicably attractive

Jiang Xinrui's words can be regarded as a solution to the worries of Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu.

After all, they are really inseparable now. Originally, they had an appointment with Feng Xi when they returned to Shili Chunfeng. When she came back from Feng's house and asked Hao Feng Wuming, a few people studied the cinnabar charm on the stone bed.

As a result, one unexpectedly walked into the house, and how many milk dolls came?

"Auntie, is your uncle busy? If you are busy, then you will be busy. We can play by ourselves. The fairy sister said, the human world is huge!"

"But is it important? Can you wait? It's the first time I saw a beautiful aunt like you. I want to stay by my aunt's side..."

"But if it's really important, let's go, aunt, but can I follow? I won't make trouble, listen to my aunt, and follow my aunt quietly."

Bai Xiaocheng said while making gestures, and when he said this, he even stretched out his little fleshy hand to try to touch Hua Sheng's hand.

Although it was the first time I remembered the meeting, Bai Xiaocheng liked Hua Sheng very much, the kind of unclear like.

Can't wait to stick to Hua Sheng's body.

As if there was some magic in her, this was a feeling he liked very much.

If you can choose, Bai Xiaocheng can't wait to be with Hua Sheng every day.

Bai Xiaocheng couldn't say clearly about this feeling, anyway, he just liked it. The moment he opened the door, he followed the guide to open the door, as if someone was waiting for him behind the door.

That's why he embraced the past, like waves returning to the sea...

Now, when I first met Jiang Xinrui, he felt familiar, just because Jiang Xinrui looked like Hua Sheng.

He really dreamed of someone who looked a lot like Hua Sheng. The moment he saw Jiang Xinrui, he thought it was her, so he said what he saw in the dream...

As for the uncle on the side, Bai Xiaocheng gave the face a look, but he only took a look, and then his eyes stuck on Hua Sheng's body.

Hua Sheng's heart was a little soft when she saw her white and tender face.

It's really been a long time since she saw such a little milk baby.

Hua Sheng also liked it very much.

"There are indeed some tricky things, but they are also very important. They need to be dealt with first. Auntie can't wait for you to go."

"When you come to the human world, your parents are afraid that they don't know? First tell them to know, and then come to aunt to play, okay?"

"Children leave home and go to unfamiliar places, you must get the consent of your parents, otherwise you will not be running away from home?"

"Not a good boy..."

Hua Sheng watched Bai Xiaocheng tentatively holding himself, but did not refuse, directly stretched out his hand to hold him firmly.

Then explained to him in a low voice.

Hua Sheng didn't want to explain to him. After all, no matter what happened, he was only a child, but Hua Sheng still couldn't bear to look at Bai Xiaocheng's look of expectation, so he thought that he should return to the heaven.

The two of Bai Ran's family, no matter what, are also the little princes of the heavens, how can they say that they are outside?

What if something happens?

These two children, but Bairan hopes for the stars and the moon, they are the children who have waited for so many years.

Another point is that there are indeed some troubles outside now. For the two children, it is inevitably unsafe. Besides, this matter has something to do with the Feng family, and it will surely shock Feng Qingcheng in the end.

"It's okay, my father and mother are used to it. The two of us often go out to play, as long as there is someone to follow..."

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