Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3317: : Seems to stand in line

Feng Xi thought that Feng Qingcheng was looking for Bai Ran, and that something like this happened to the Feng Family. Feng Xi felt that he was still sober, and there were some things that he could not hide.

She didn't want to conceal it anymore, a mistake needs more lies to make up.

Feng Xi didn't want to be such a person full of lies, let alone see a Feng's house full of holes.

Feng's reputation for so many years cannot be destroyed in her hands.

According to the rules, she is this generation of Patriarch, Feng Family's business, that is what she said, even if Feng Qingcheng comes, Feng Xi will give face and give in, but it should be the Patriarch!

Fengjia, Patriarch is the biggest.

Therefore, when Feng Xi’s knew almost everything, that is, when she forced her to ask everything from her grandfather, Feng Xi really felt that Grandpa was crazy, and at the same time, Feng Xi knew very well that this matter cannot be hidden from Bairan.

The husband of the ancestors of the Feng family, or the Emperor of Heaven, how to conceal it?

Once the incident occurs, the world knows, what will the Feng family do? How does Feng Qingcheng deal with it?

So when she saw Feng Qingcheng, she also left first. Feng Qingcheng was also silent. Feng Xi was really messed up... I don't know what Feng Qingcheng thought.

But seeing Bai Ran in the ten-mile spring breeze is not like someone who knows those things.

Feng Xi understood, Feng Qingcheng still didn't say anything.

"Fengxi? What's the matter? I think you are a bit messy now..."

Hua Sheng heard Feng Xi's words and glanced at Jiang Liu, as if thinking of something, stretched out his hand to hold Feng Xi, and cheered her up.

No matter what you find, there is a solution. Just thinking about things that can't be solved, it really can never be solved.

After all, imagination and reality are still different.

"Just say what you want, don't say if you don't want to say it, it's okay, you still want me to be the master? Although I am not very enthusiastic about my position as the emperor, even if I am the fox emperor, I have never been afraid of anyone."

"There is nothing to worry about. If you are in a mess, just sort it out. I'm like to go back and want to find me, let Hua Sheng come, or give your Qingcheng ancestor a dream, that's all right."

"Besides, you really don’t have to be afraid. What a strong relationship with you, you have the sister Hua Sheng, the Queen of Heaven is your ancestor, the Emperor, the husband of your ancestor, and now there are two more small ancestors. What are you afraid of? We are crowded, and there are such conditions, don't you think? Who is bullying you, or is something wrong with your Feng family? Are you worried that it will affect your Qingcheng ancestor?"

Bai Ran looked at Fengxi and seemed uncomfortable, and after thinking about it, she was comforted.

After all, he is a descendant of his own family, he still has to take care of it.

As for the latter, Bairan has been holding back for a long time. After all, his wife was really a little secret before this.

I didn’t avoid him no matter what I did before. I have been busier than him in recent meals, and I often go to find those Patriarchs of Feng Family who have passed away. Bai Ran is too embarrassed to ask. Anyway, I don’t like others, it’s not a big deal. .

White dyes are all affordable.

"Yes, we have a lot of people, and we still have a lot of power when it comes to related households. Don't look at the two of us, they are amazing..."

"You just said who bullied you? Bullying my junior, I will definitely help you!"

Bai Xiaoqing and Bai Xiaocheng nodded together. Although some did not understand what was going on suddenly, but to understand, this seemed to be a team?

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