Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3318: : Behavior default

Isn't the word team used like this? Anyway, they are also a family.

Whether it is Bai Xiaoqing or Bai Xiaocheng, they are very excited about this, because they have always been the youngest in the heavens. Finally, there is an opportunity to come to the human world, and someone bullies their younger generation? This is your chance to show yourself, it won't be small at once?

Although they are willing to call Fengxi an aunt with Jiang Xinrui, the real seniority is not chaotic.

Especially if someone dares to bully their younger generation?

The Fox tribe is now a chicken and dog ascending to the sky... It doesn't seem to be right. In short, no one can really hurt the fox tribe even if it looks at Bai Ran's face...

Feng Xi was really touched when he heard Hua Sheng and Bairan's words, even from the two little ancestors, and he didn't know what to do.

In fact, Feng Xi had thought about this matter or Feng Qingcheng was most suitable to talk to Bai Ran, after all, they belonged to a family.

Now Feng Qingcheng was also confused and wanted to conceal it. Feng Xi was the only one who insisted. Feng Xi no longer knew whether her persistence was right.

Especially when he heard what Bai Ran said, he was already suspicious.

And Hua Sheng looked at Feng Xi's embarrassment, and the guess in his heart was even greater. I was afraid it was the same as their guess, even more than the person they thought of at first?

Bai Ran was in front to make Feng Xi do this, Feng Qingcheng must have known something too. From this point of view, this matter was not a matter for one person, but a lot of personnel for the Feng family.

If you think about it a little bit more, you should also want to pull Fengxi in. The owner of the Feng family probably knows...

Thinking of this, Hua Sheng was also a little embarrassed. In the end, it was because of Fengxi’s relationship. She also admitted that the family relationship is really too important. If these things weren’t related to Fengxi, Hua Sheng would have long been unable to sit still. Where will you wait until now?

In the past, sentient beings were important, and the outside was really innocent, but she couldn’t take care of it...

Afterwards, Hua Sheng looked at the river. Needless to say, the tacit understanding between the couple was no longer necessary. They could see and understand each other, but they also saw some embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Of course, Jiang Liu didn't have too much pressure, he could only say that he expected it.

He chose to remain silent, only to see how Feng Xi chose.

Jiang Liu didn't want to assume the result that didn't happen.

"I think I'll go back first. Originally, I shouldn't have appeared today. You should have discussed it with Hua Sheng. If that's the case, then follow your original plan."

"Just assume I haven't been here, all right."

"But one thing, I think I'll talk about it. My wife is Feng Qingcheng. I can't think about her or even their family because of something. It has nothing to do with my identity, whether it is the fox Emperor. , Or the emperor of heaven, will not change. Even if something happens to your family, I know it clearly. I have chased my lover for thousands of years and will not change because of anything or anyone. , You are a little worried, and a little too worried."

Bai Ran really didn't want to look at Feng Xi so embarrassed, really don't have to.

The Feng family worried about the thing that he is a fox. I really want to talk about his mind, but he can't really talk about a fox. Many things, Bai Ran is really clear.

Not to break is his choice, and it is also his default of Feng Qingcheng's behavior.

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