Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3381: : Confused for half a lifetime

In the past, Xie Dongyang couldn't let go, and couldn't let go of anything. Midnight dreamed about the wedding that day. He was not late, and he and Hua Sheng had results.

He hates Jiang Liu for stealing everything from him and the love of his life, but he can't ask for it...

It took a long time to let go, just like Jiang Xinrui said, he let the news outside, just want Jiang Liu to let go, as if Jiang Liu let go, he has a chance.

But in fact, he had no chance.

To miss is to miss, he spent half his life to comprehend and let go of this sentence.

Xie Dongyao couldn't understand why he became a monk, beaten, scolded, cried, and made trouble, but he didn't regret it.

Because he couldn't go back, the servant at home made a mistake, he couldn't help it, and almost caused a big mistake, he knew he was really crazy.

Obsessive madness, he must do something, since he can't control his thoughts, and can't control his behavior, then he finds a place to control himself.

If he did not leave at that time, Xie Dongyang worried that he would do something to Xie Dongyao and Xie Ning.

Xie Dongyang didn't want to see Xie Dongyao and Xie Ning hate Hua Sheng because of themselves.

If it wasn't for themselves, the two of them liked Huasheng very much...

Once hatred becomes obsession, it will only get worse, and Xie Dongyang can't let the last blood of the Xie family be destroyed by him.

He has been unrestrained for half his life and forty-one years. He should do something for himself and this family, and he must not destroy it.

When he came to Zhaojue Temple, he felt unprecedented peace, and he had a relationship with it.

Almost six years have passed in a blink of an eye. When Xie Dongyang mentioned Hua Sheng again, his obsessions really dropped a lot. My Buddha has tolerated everything about him and resolved everything about him.

It's just that today he didn't expect to see Jiang Xinrui, Hua Sheng's daughter.

The mother and daughter are so alike. Xie Dongyang stood in the corner for a long time, and finally plucked up the courage to step forward. He wanted to know if she was good, but in the end he didn't ask.

The words turned into something else.

Because he regretted it, why did he ask? If it's not good, how could her child be calm, without any sorrow, presumably growing up in a very happy home.

Jiang Xinrui's smiles are all shadows of Hua Sheng... Seeing her smile, Xie Dongyang seems to have seen Hua Sheng's happiness.

What's more, it doesn't matter whether she is good or not. Her good is accompanied by a beloved, and when she is not good, there is also a beloved. She has never lacked him.

He had always insisted on participating, thinking that he had walked in, but he had been outside Hua Sheng.

He has never really walked into Hua Sheng's world.

They are not people of the same world, he knew it a long time ago, but let it go very late...

Fortunately, the two do not owe each other, nor are they right. The self-righteous care and love he did back then are all burdens for Hua Sheng, and he owes Hua Sheng.

But Xie Dongyang didn't want to pay it back, because for Hua Sheng, not interrupting was the best way to make up for it.

Hua Sheng's daughter is really different. He has been confused for a long time, but he is not as good as her glance.

Xie Dongyang was really ashamed.

He looked at his sister and was grateful, but he didn't want her sister to be so obsessed. If it weren't for seeing Jiang Xinrui today, he might not walk around, or even hear Jiang Xinrui's words.

In the past few years, his actions have also made the little girl uncomfortable...

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