Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3382: : Don't come again

Hearing Xie Dongyang's words, Xie Dongyao really laughed, not a relieved smile, but a helpless sneer.

Everyone put it down, but she didn't put it down while co-authoring?

She is unwilling to do so now, but she is not as good as the words of Hua Sheng's daughter.

Xie Dongyao didn't know whether to pity herself or her brother.

Hua Sheng!

Xie Dongyao chanted this name in her heart.

It is complicated and difficult to distinguish. She thinks that she will never forget Hua Sheng in her life. If she can, she also really hopes that she has never known Hua Sheng before. If she can do it again, she will definitely take her second brother away and they will leave the family. Jiangcheng.

But there is no regret medicine in this world.

Their only chance to come back again is death.

"Should I call you Uncle Xie, or Master Wangchen?"

"Actually, there are many ways to let go of the past. Don't forget to cherish the people in front of you. It is not important to care about your talents. Don't wait until you have left and then regret it. It is really late."

"For what happened to you, others can only sigh a pity at most, and they won't occupy too much emotion..."

"Farewell, goodbye."

Jiang Xinrui looked at the people behind Xie Dongyao, turned around and left without staying long.

She would say this, because Xie Dongyang treated her and her elder brother well back then. Although there was no contact, she loved the house and Wu and had no bad thoughts about them.

He even gave two jade pendants, but he didn't seem to remember.

Although Na Yupei almost killed her brother later, she knew but he didn't.

At that time, no one knew how Changan would be afraid of such a pure thing...

When talking to Xie Dongyao, Jiang Xinrui only wanted to vent, but didn't realize that Xie Dongyang had also heard it, and it was somewhat hurtful. Some things could not be said in front of Xie Dongyang.

So in the end Jiang Xinrui had some persuasion. As to whether Xie Dongyang would listen, that was Xie Dongyang's business.

She has done everything she can do, and there is nothing left to do.

Besides, she was right. For the current mother, it really doesn't matter. She has too many memories, and some of them will fade away. Only when I see you again, will I think of it.

Since the other party has already begun to forget, why should he not forget it.

If you really forget it cleanly, when you see her, you won't go forward at all. Since there will be waves, you can only say that your heart is still not quiet.

But it doesn't matter, neither she nor her mother will appear in his eyes in the future.

Today is really an accident.

And Xie Dongyang watched Jiang Xinrui leave, thinking about her, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

This daughter of Jiang Liu is even more ruthless than Jiang Liu, and the way to hit him and make him give up was really straightforward.

Jiang Liu was still operating secretly, but now his daughter directly pierced the knife into her heart.

After all, what is more unacceptable to you than the one you love has forgotten to remember you?

The person he loved has become a stubborn person, and he has forgotten him a long time ago...

Whether you like it or not, it's so easy to forget.

"You don't want to come again, as sister Xie Dongyang!"

After Wangchen finished speaking, he turned back and walked into the temple.

If you want to meet, it is the donor, and his mortal relationship has long since ceased...

"Second brother..."

Xie Dongyao looked at Xie Dongyang's back, and finally read the second elder brother. The tears flowed out, and he couldn't control it.

If she didn't run into Jiang Xinrui today, let alone those unwilling...

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