Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3389: : A wife is fine too

When Qin Wanyu heard Jiang Xinrui's words, he laughed from ear to ear, and the parties involved didn't mind, her old father was too worried.

It's just that Qin Wanyu really didn't expect to owe him, Jiang Xinrui really didn't mind his age.

He thought about not minding, but he never thought about not minding so much.

Later, when Feng Xi thought about it, he was very angry. He felt that it was Qin Wanyu's crow's mouth, and wanted to shoot him in particular.

"Come on, don't talk about it, we Ruier is still young, what kind of marriage?"

"Why Hua Zhi hasn't come yet, does she want to eat ready-made? I called her, this behavior was wrong, and she didn't eat dumplings later."

Feng Xi frightened Qin Wanyu with a rolling pin, and told him to shut up. Qin Xiaobao was already enough to torture her, so don't torture Rui'er. As for the marriage, it is nonsense.

Regardless of whether her son can secure the position of Patriarch in the future, she will not ask him to marry him.

Choosing to like is the most important thing.

And this is a problem for the future. The most important thing at the moment is to make dumplings. She has already notified the making of dumplings. Hua Zhi said that she will be there soon. As a result, she has already rolled out the dumplings. Come.

Feng Xi was on the phone while eating the fruit prepared by Jiang Liu, but before the call was made, people came.

"How many talents do you have if you still eat?"

"As soon as I entered the door, I heard you say me, Fengxi, I found that you have become less diligent since you gave birth. Where did that Fengxi go before? Was it dropped by Qin Wanyu? You exchanged it for me. ."

Hua Zhi took off his jacket and ran to Feng Xi, looking at Feng Xi pickingly, a little disgusted.

"Ruier, I'm here, I brought you a doll."

"How do you like it?"

The prince is eight years old and is already in the second grade of elementary school. He has grown up a lot, but it does not prevent him from still liking Jiang Xinrui as much as before.

As soon as he entered the spring breeze of ten miles, he first looked at Jiang Xinrui and then greeted everyone.

No matter when and where, the prince can always find Jiang Xinrui the first time, and then stand beside her.

"Prince, call it sister! Ruier is older than you."

"I used to be called my sister, but now I finally stopped calling my sister, so I just called her by her first name."

Wang Junxian carried things in large and small bags, and worked hard behind Hua Zhi mother and son. The last one to come in, heard the prince address Jiang Xinrui, and was very speechless.

Why can't this child be corrected?

I don't know why, let alone the prince as always.

"Thank you, I like it very much."

"It's okay, you can call it anything."

Pushing Qin Xiaobao's cart, Jiang Xinrui got up and greeted the Huazhi family while accepting the gift from the prince.

She thought she knew why the prince didn't call her sister. She was the most spiritual in her infancy. Although she didn't know what to say, she had the deepest subconscious memory. At that time, he called her sister, and she was indeed a sister.

It's just that she cheated, stealing for a few years.

For this, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu had not corrected the prince, younger sister, or older sister. They were all right.

"It's really okay to call it anything?"

When everyone was seated and packed the dumplings on the table, the prince was silent for a while beside Jiang Xinrui, then suddenly raised his head and asked.

The little eyes flashed expectantly.

Jiang Xinrui nodded inexplicably.

"The daughter-in-law, too?"

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