Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3390: : There is a future



Hua Zhi didn't hold the pot of dumpling filling and dropped it on the table.

Wang Junxian got up and hit the stool.

Then came two death stares.

There are also two inexplicable eyes.

Death gaze comes from Jiang Liu and Qin Wanyu respectively.

Jiang Liu, another one to **** my daughter? Are you crazy? This kid is absolutely crazy.

Qin Wanyu, another competitor to grab my son?

As for Feng Xi being amused, Hua Sheng thinks this kid has an idea. Does he know what a daughter-in-law means?

"Ruier, is that okay? Can I call you a wife?"

The prince didn't think there was any problem at all, let alone the consequences of his own words.

Very serious, looking at Jiang Xinrui expectantly.

"Prince, you can't talk nonsense, this is your sister, the daughter of your mother's sister, you are related by blood."

"Besides, do you know what it means to be a daughter-in-law? I don't know don't talk nonsense."

Wang Junxian looked at Jiang Liu and Qin Wanyu's death gaze, feeling a little speechless. What were they worried about?

Don't worry about it at all, okay?

He was stunned just now because he didn't expect to be surprised by his son's remarks.

No one by his side said such things as his wife, how did he know?

He was talking, then looked at Qin Wanyu, and then he rolled his eyes, no wonder that Jiangliu blacked him out, but he often said this, in front of the children, talking about his daughter-in-law, being in-laws...

As a result, his son was mad at him.

"Of course I know what a daughter-in-law means, don't you call my mother a daughter-in-law."

"Dad, what you said is wrong, Ruier and I are cousins, and cousins ​​were okay in the past."

"Rui'er, didn't you just say that it can be called anything? Anyway, it's a title, don't you say it? Even if I want to get married now, I'm not too old..."

Hearing what his father said, the prince gave him a rare look, but he also expressed his helplessness to his father, because he was too able to hold back.

Take a look at Qin Xiaobao's father, who is so diligent, even if he was blackmailed by his uncle, he would not give up, but his old father didn't know how to fight for him, so he had to do it himself.

The prince is not stupid. He knows everything. Naturally, he also knows that his cousin can get married. He knows more about what a daughter-in-law means. If he likes it, he wants to stay with him.

The simplest answer is to get married. Isn't it a daughter-in-law to get married?

It's just that he is very distressed. He is still not working. He has already checked. He is not old enough, so in order to prevent Rui'er from being snatched away in advance, he made a reservation first.

Once you add the name "Daughter-in-law", you will get used to it after a long time.

The prince felt that he was a smart thief, and thought of such an excellent opportunity. After all, Jiang Xinrui gave him this opportunity, and he couldn't give up.

"Where did you see it? Know your cousin?"

"You are not old enough to get married? Son, you know a lot..."

Hua Zhi was surprised at first, and then she wanted to laugh when she heard the prince's words. Should she say that this child has a future?

Kind of inquiring? She and Wang Junxian have never said anything about this...

"The information I'm looking for..."

"Oh, I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to ask, I want to get married, and they said no, I'll be back."

"Mom, can you wait for Rui'er to finish, then you talk again, all interrupted..."

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