Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3434: :Hyeun Illustrated News

Therefore, Yu Qilin was not reconciled, and wanted to let everyone know, just because the master told her before she died, not to say, Yu Qilin can only endure.

Now I can't bear it anymore, the master loves her very much, if I knew it, I wouldn't object to it.

And Yu Qilin also knew very well that Bai Ran would not be able to agree today if he did not use the name of the owner.

She couldn’t wait any longer. If she waited any longer, there was really no chance. Chi Feng was about to become an adult, but she kept avoiding herself. Instead, she went back and forth to the human world to find Jiang Xinrui. After Chi Feng became an adult, she fell in love with Jiang Xinrui...

Yu Qilin knew very well that even if she really asked for her will, she would have some complaints, and it might even be difficult to carry out her will. Now is her last chance.

Yu Qilin even thought about it, she regretted it, why didn't she regret that she didn't go to Bai Ran earlier to get her will...

I regret that I didn't meet Chifeng earlier!

But fortunately, now she still has a chance...

Just wait for what Bai Ran says, and at the same time see how Bai Ran values ​​her master in her heart!

Jade Qilin will take a good look, how can he not give the face of Emperor Fengdu?

So Yu Qilin is bound to win, because she knows exactly what the master did.

"Ha ha……"

"What does your master mean? If that's the case, let your master personally say it. It happened that I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm called Pluto, and a few of us are reminiscing about the past."

"Chifeng is my younger brother, and Nightmare regards you as a daughter. Then we are going to be married, so why should he say it? It is the fault of Nightmare to ask you a little girl who has not come out of the pavilion to ask for will, these No one taught him anything, because he doesn't understand the rules."

"Go back and tell him, let him prepare, and I will prepare too. How can I call Chifeng's parents? Son, you are really impatient, I am Chifeng's brother, yes, that's not right. The brother of a female compatriot, besides, Chifeng's parents are still there, where will it be my turn to come here?"

"In the past few years, you have not many people. Nowadays, many rules and regulations are not well understood. No matter how powerful you are, no matter how many favors you have, you have to pay a little attention to it. The tongue is small and it will not affect you well."

"Otherwise, I can take Chifeng's parents directly to Fengdu. These are all trivial matters, so I can't wrong you!"

Bai Ran listened to Yu Qilin's words and looked at her expression. Why couldn't she tell what she meant?

In front of a thousand-year-old fox, engage in emotions? Really treat him as blind?

But Bai Ran is not angry. He can't care about with a child, but he can care about with Nightmare Zhuo!

Bai Ran didn't believe that Nightmare Zhuo would really use his identity, or even the brotherhood between them, to calculate him.

If this is the case, then he and Nightmare Zhuo can only say that he thinks too much...

Hey Eun Illustrated?

It's not like what Nightmare Burn can do.

Taking this opportunity to meet Yan Zhuo, he and Yan Zhuo have not been meeting since he took the position of the Emperor of Heaven. The full moon wine of his sons has not come!

At their age, why are they still in retreat?

Is that necessary?

It's just that Bai Ran's thoughts are simple, and his words are very casual, but these words are like bombs that explode in Yu Qilin's mind! How could she let Bairan go to Fengdu?

Or even take Chifeng's parents with him?

As soon as they go to Fengdu, isn't it broken?

Yu Qilin is not afraid of everyone, but he still can’t know now...

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