Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3435: : Unable to lie

"No! You forgot. The key that my master gave you last time opened the gate of Fengdu! When the door opens, the contents inside are not bound."

"And the master locked himself inside, and none of us can see him. Even if we were, we wouldn't be able to enter the last level of the capital city hell. I was just outside..."

"So you can't bring Chi Feng's parents to my master, and he won't interrupt him during the retreat. That's why he handed over the key to you. This is to prevent him from coming over in time if something goes wrong. You can release Fengdu Hell. Things, creating a ruin..."

"My master can't show up in time, and his retreat can't be interrupted."

Yu Qilin lowered his head, and when Bai Ran said that he was going to Fengdu, sweat was dripping out of his forehead.

The voice was also a little excited. In fact, she was not a lie, and she could also say Yu Qilin's words, half-truths and half-truths.

The fake is of course hiding the nightmarish situation, and the truth is that the gate of Fengdu cannot be opened right now, and the place where she took the river last time did not walk through the gate...

But Yu Qilin will definitely not explain, because she can't round up her lie.

Today, it was all driven by momentum. If Jiang Liu knew about this, he would definitely find something wrong. After all, he knew that the master was no longer there.

It is impossible to tell her what to do.

Now she just begged Jiang Liu not to get involved. Besides, it had nothing to do with Jiang Liu. One yard was one yard. As long as Jiang Liu didn't get involved, she would be able to deal with it.

After all, now, except for Nangong Liuyue, only Jiang Liu knows!

Nangong Liuyue is easy to deal with, but the river flow...

"So? I have forgotten, so just wait for this matter!"

"When your master can leave the customs, Chi Feng has grown up, and you can even tell you like it, and when you can get married, you don't have to look for me at that time. He is willing, and my marriage will come soon."

"This way, it will also give the two of you some time to buffer. You can also think about it. As long as you like it at that time, it is easy to make impulsive choices when you are young."

"As for the position of Emperor Fengdu, according to your statement, nightmarish retreat can also suppress bad years. At least a thousand years is okay. He will take care of it himself. I am very relieved..."

Bai Ran raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Yu Qilin.

Since I can't pass, I'm just waiting. It just happens to be the time for two people to buffer, and Bai Ran feels that she thinks very well.

After all, as Yu Qilin said, who knows the time in the future?

Maybe after that, Yu Qilin doesn't like Blazing Phoenix, but Blazing Phoenix likes Yu Qilin?

Although a little unbelievable, feelings are hard to say!

Just as he didn't expect that he was not in a hurry to meet with Nightmare Burning, knowing that he was closed, and it didn't feel much, it was normal, but the first one to find him, worried about Nightmare Burning was the cold Underworld Flame!

This is very illusory. Once he hadn't appeared for a hundred years, Ming Yan didn't even say to go to the Fox Clan to see him. How strong is the relationship between the two of them?

Although Mingyan and Nightmare Zhuo have known each other for a long time, how can they catch up with him?

But some people, it really has nothing to do with time...

Bai Ran can also understand. Now Bai Ran doesn't care about Yu Qilin's affairs. He is just very distressed. In this matter, is Nightmare Zhuo really involved?

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