Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3458: : It's my heart

"Do you think if something really happened to me, my parents would ignore me? Or would Pluto really take my soul?"

"Even if I accept it, I can be reunited with my family. This is not big talk. You should know that as long as I want to, there is nothing wrong."

"But you are different. What you trap is only the heart of my physical body. Once the physical body dies, you will have nothing that can threaten me. If I turn my head and want to deal with you, do you think you have the ability to resist now? "

Jiang Xinrui didn't argue with Guai Tan about the issue of heartbeat, but directly said his own thoughts. It is not a joke that the fish die and the net is broken.

Every word of her is not a joke. It really made her anxious. She was not unable to do it. Moreover, as she said, the worst possible thing was that her parents knew it.

But for her, the big deal was to get disappointed. Although she didn't expect it, she just had to bear the consequences of what she did. Jiang Xinrui felt that she could take it.

Even if she can't afford it, Jiang Xinrui will not be threatened by others and can say anything.

The word tempted is even more nonsense!

That was Chifeng's third uncle. She was the same generation as Chifeng, and Fengying was Chifeng's elder, and naturally her own elder. How could she have any thoughts?

As for the heartbeat of that meeting, Jiang Xinrui thought it was still too embarrassing, no matter what, Jiang Xinrui would not let herself be irrational before such strange emotions began.

I will not listen to other people talking nonsense in my ears!

What's more, it's still something that doesn't even count Shuling?

A cooperation is not to talk about seeking skin with a tiger, but it also has to bear the consequences, Jiang Xinrui dared to bear it.

Thinking of this, the fire in Jiang Xinrui's hand is getting deeper and deeper, and the expression in his eyes has become emotionless, and there is no warmth. As for the hidden emotions in his eyes, no one can know.

Some messy emotions even reacted differently when they shouldn't be messed up. Now, in Jiang Xinrui's view, it was just an accident.

It's like she accidentally pierced the Demon Realm into a hole, alarmed the entire Demon Realm, even fined many people, and consumed Fengying's mana... it was an accident.

After the accident is completed, everything will return to its original position, just as Fengying raised her hand to repair her troubles.

Her emotions were just an accident, and nothing could be changed.

When the fire in Jiang Xinrui's hand was getting bigger and bigger, and everything in his hand was about to be destroyed soon, Guai Tan couldn't help but shouted: "You can, you can, I believe you can die with me, let's go!"

"Close the fire, I won't talk nonsense. Whatever you say is what happened. Your Chunxin didn't move. I was the one who moved. I am moved to the Third Majesty Chung. I like him, I treat him twice. Love at sight..."

"Is this the head office? Just put the fire away. How can I keep the fire from burning? We all have to live well, don't you? You don't want your parents to worry about you, do you?"

"I really didn't spy on your life, but this time because I went to the Demon Realm, I felt your difference... No, I mean I felt that you accidentally broke the barrier and attracted a lot of people, so I took a look. That's it! I'm worried that I won't be able to absorb the devilish energy. You know, if you turn your head and leave when you get angry, I will definitely not have to absorb it."

Guai Tan asked Jiang Xinrui for mercy in a low voice.

Although this is very shameless, as far as Guai Tan is concerned, as long as he can live now, nothing else is a problem.

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