Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3459: : My name is Ji Li

Even hesitate to say what it loves Fengying...

When the strange talk changed his tone, Jiang Xinrui didn't respond. The fire light didn't decrease, but it didn't increase, just looking at the more dilapidated book on the table.

Of course, even if Jiang Xinrui didn't say anything, Guai Tan knew that she was watching it.

"What do you want? I said that I love the Third Majesty of the Demon Realm. Please take me to the Demon Realm often. I want to take the opportunity to see him more. Isn't that okay?"

"I promise that I will not spy on your life and talk nonsense. Why don't you believe it? Besides, it is really an accident that I will spy today..."

"What do you want from me to believe it!"

The strange story is in the book, Wei Wei can see clearly the body, the outline appears, and at the same time can see clearly, this guy is not well to be threatened by the nine-day sacred fire, and the nine-day sacred fire is different from the usual fire.

Normal fire, it is not afraid of it, but this fire is not good, it is dying of fear, the fire has already roasted it, and finally it has a human shape, and it will soon be roasted.

The tone of speech to Jiang Xinrui was also imploring, completely missing the emotion of watching the show just now. In its eyes, this is a man who can bend and stretch, and just a few soft words can save his life, so just say it.

I felt ashamed before, but now I see that being alive is the most important thing.

In this broken book, it is really enough.

"If it's useless, don't say it again. Suddenly, I have a question. What do you think you are?"

"Listen to what you mean, you used to exist. You were injured in this book. Now I don't know how many years have passed. Do you remember the past? Do you have a name?"

Jiang Xinrui didn't respond to Wei Tan's begging for mercy, as if suddenly thinking of something, asking in a low voice, it didn't matter whether Wei Tan would answer.

There is no eagerness to know, but the fire in his hand has not diminished in the slightest, and the faint blue flame is not more or less, always baking the broken book in his hand.

"What am I? You want to know? Okay, I can tell you, but you have to put the fire away, Jiang Xinrui, don't go too far, I am different from you, raising your hand can condense the nine-day sacred fire, not everyone Yes, not everyone can stand it. I may not be able to wait until I finish speaking. I was first tested to death by your nine-day sacred flame. Then the vitality that I attached to your heart will also subconsciously cut you off. We all can’t live for the heart of the world, this is not a joke!"

Guai Tan said that in the end, some after death, I hate myself for why my mouth is so cheap! I can't fix this problem, because Jiang Xinrui pressed herself down, she always wanted to stand up!

In the end, it still doesn't work!

There is no ability to resist, mainly because Jiang Xinrui is ready to kill and break the net, and the momentum is to die. The strange story is really awkward.

Hearing this, Jiang Xinrui did not speak, but he did accept some fire.

Guai Tan felt that the scorching heat of the fire was much less, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

Then dryly replied: "My name is Ji Li!"

"Remembrance of the Ji, Li of the dawn, okay? When I was transformed into a human form, it was at the dawn of dawn, I named it this way."

Speaking of his name, Ji Li missed a bit. Although he was eager to transform himself into a human form and leave the imprisonment, he also wanted to leave and return to the original state.

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