Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3460: : Commemorative Koi

"Ji Li? That's it, you did it yourself? Then what is your real body? Why do you still inhale resentment, even demonic energy?"

When Jiang Xinrui heard Ji Li's name, she raised her eyebrows slightly. She pretended to mention it at will. Didn't expect this guy to have a name?

In the past few years, he hadn't revealed anything at all, Jiang Xinrui really thought he didn't. Now that he has this name, there might be something else that can be found.

After all, no one has survived longer than her parents. Coupled with her relationship in various circles, it is easy to investigate a person named Ji Li. According to Ji Li's tone, he must be well-known, not a small person.

Of course, asking his name is not the point. I didn’t expect that Ji Li was the first to answer his name. It seems that he is yearning for his name and at the same time yearning for his past...

Just as Jiang Xinrui thought, what Ji Li was thinking about was the past. When he was still Ji Li, he was still worshipped by someone who lived his wanton life. He is not just like a fool who lives in this shabby book. .

"My name is Ji Li, I made this name myself, and it has another meaning, to commemorate... Koi!"

After Ji Li finished speaking, his tone suddenly stopped. Even if the book he inhabited was originally a dead thing, Jiang Xinrui could feel it. When Ji Li said this, he seemed to become more silent. Thought he had become completely lifeless.

Of course, Jiang Xinrui knew that Ji Li was not lifeless, but missed.

I miss the time he can never go back.

"I don’t know how long it’s been since now. Ten thousand years? Twenty thousand years? Millions of years? At that time, the human world was full of spiritual energy, and the demon world was overflowing with demons... Every world should look like its own. , And I live in Taihu Lake in the human world. A koi carp can bring good luck. It can be regarded as a spirit beast in size. There are more people who make wishes, and there are more worshippers. At that time, people’s hearts were kind and sincere. One wish is worthy of my 100 years of cultivation. I soon became a human form, and then I was enshrined in the ancestral hall. In my spare time, I would visit this human world and even participate in it. Want to live..."

"The more sincere people's hearts are, and there is no impurity, my cultivation base will become stronger and stronger."

"But you know, people's hearts can never be satisfied. After thousands of years and thousands of years of change, their desires have become bigger and bigger, and their hearts have become nasty. I have also changed and I can no longer protect my believers. They destroyed my ancestral hall and cut off my worship. Slowly, I declined and there was nothing left..."

"Later, I was killed by people who expelled demons and demons. For a time, demonic energy, resentment... gathered in my body. I couldn't control myself. After fighting for three days, it ended up like this."

"So, you said, I didn't kill humans, let alone those who killed me back then. Am I very good? Now I just want to cultivate the human form, leave the imprisonment, even if I can't return to Taihu Lake, just a small one. Lake, just give me a place to stay. Actually, I have no bad intentions. If I regain my koi body, you can support me and I can bring you good luck."

When Ji Li recalled, although his body had only an outline at this time, he could still feel his loneliness.

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