Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3526: : Sever ties

Jiang Liu did not refuse the arrival of Chi Feng. Although Jiang Liu felt not very happy because the child likes to be with Jiang Xinrui in his heart, but after Chi Feng appeared, it was his daughter who untied her happy knot and smiled. Now Hua Sheng also began to accept the ten-mile spring breeze.

You know, because of the Ginkgo and Jasmine things back then, even if Hua Sheng put it down, even if he even went to see Ginkgo, Hua Sheng really put it down, but he still doesn’t like the ten-mile spring breeze entering people, but all these changes in Chifeng’s body. Up.

Hua Sheng came in and out by default, and even stayed here Hua Sheng didn't say anything.

It can be seen that Chifeng's position is still very objective in the ten-mile spring breeze.

"Wait a minute... Then you don't care? I see..."

Feng Xi watched that even Jiang Xinrui said to leave it alone, and then looked at Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu, and took the orange juice from Chi Feng.

She thought it was planning to settle accounts after the fall, after all, Jiang Xinrui is involved now, if it is not handled well, it is the child who is hurt.

Such things can be handled by adults like them behind the scenes.

"It's not like you think. It was the reporter Hua Lin asked for. She wanted to make the matter bigger. When we came back from Hua Lin, we have already dealt with it. I will also suppress the follow-up."

Jiang Liu looked at Feng Xi's obvious suffocation, and immediately replied directly.

And when Jiang Liu finished saying this, Jiang Xinrui beside her stretched out her hand to hold Fengxi, but instead comforted Fengxi.

Because Jiang Xinrui knew that Feng Xi might not be able to accept this after her father had said this...

Just as Jiang Xinrui thought, at the moment Jiang Liu finished speaking, Feng Xi was about to stand up suddenly, if it weren't for Jiang Xinrui holding Feng Xi's hand in advance, Feng Xi had already jumped up in anger.

It's really not to blame Fengxi for this reaction, it's really... Hua Lin didn't expect her.

Hua Lin did things madly, Feng Xi also endured it, but Jiang Xinrui calculated the incident and stabbed the news out. If it weren’t for her to be a reporter, she wouldn’t be able to mention receiving the news at all. She actually thought it was someone who calculated it. Two?

This is co-authored by Hua Lin, directed and acted by herself.

"How can she do this? Is she crazy?"

"It's okay, Rui'er, I am also your pro aunt, not all aunts are like that."

"And my little apprentice, who are all reporters, why didn't he know that Hua Lin did it? I thought it was someone else..."

Feng Xi held Jiang Xinrui's hand, knowing that Jiang Xinrui came back with Hua Sheng, that is to know before him, or even better, how can this heart feel good?

As for Zhuo Tian who was invited by Hua Lin, it’s really better to understand. You need to know Zhuo Tian’s relationship with Fengxi. Although he is not a real teacher, the favor is still there. Hua Lin’s relationship with Shili Chunfeng before, how did she Don't you know?

For Jiang Xinrui's news, Hua Lin directly avoided Zhuotian's company and handed it over to other reporters. He returned a lot of money, just to calculate the time, and to make Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu had no choice but to admit.

But I didn't expect that it was all over now, and to the end of the calculation, if she hadn't been pregnant, maybe even her own fate had been calculated.

"She is not crazy, she is a lunatic at all, starting today, Hua Lin and I have nothing to do!"

Just as Feng Xi was talking with Jiang Xinrui and the others, they hadn't seen the figure yet, but the scorching voice came in first!

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