Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3527: : Flexible mind

"Five sisters, Jiang Liu, Rui'er, Fengxi...and Chifeng, I will tell you today, I have nothing to do with Hua Lin, I am completely on your side in this matter, Hua Lin is It really disappoints me."

"I am completely disappointed in her, I can't forgive her!"

Hua Zhi hurriedly walked in, with her bag still on the sofa, and said with a heavy face, then she looked at Jiang Xinrui and didn't know what to say.

Hua Zhi didn't know what happened to Jiang Xinrui, but Hua Lin knew what happened.

When she knew this, Hua Lin couldn’t believe it. She just looked at the Bai’s villa and Hua Sheng. Jiang Liu looked anxiously and entered the suburban villa of the Bai family. After that, Hua Lin and Bai Kangning were carried away in a coma. Out

And these, Hua Zhi saw it on TV!

Hua Zhi directly called Hua Sheng without delay, but when Hua Sheng was on the way back, she didn't answer it, maybe because she didn't want to explain anything, she just told Hua Lin what she had done.

Hua Zhi almost thought that Hua Sheng had been hacked on the phone, otherwise how could such a thing happen?

After that, Hua Zhi directly put down the matter on the set and used all his contacts to press down. Normally, such things would have been suppressed without waiting for Hua Zhi and Wang Jun to show up. After all, Jiang Liu’s strength is in Jiangcheng. Everyone knows exactly what it is, but this time, the newspapers are not giving any face.

It’s useless for anyone to suppress, let alone Jiangliu’s face. Jiangliu’s reputation is also more than ten years ago. Nowadays, a new generation of young people occupy the market. It can be said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers and can’t hold them at all. No matter who the other party is, as long as there is news and enough information, it will explode, even faster than this one...

That's why Hua Sheng and others had just left before Hua Zhi received news from the Internet.

Then rushed up.

"As soon as we left, the news came out. Hualin and Bai Kangning were still in suspended animation at the time. How did the news spread..."

Jiang Liu thought of this in his heart when Hua Zhi came over, this news spread so quickly? Is it the one who helped Hualin?

Originally, Jiang Liu suspected that the people who helped Hua Lin were not from the human world, but now it seems that people who can use financial resources in the human world and know how to use cyber violence to attack people, are they still in the human world?

There are only a few powerful and powerful families in Jiangcheng. The Jiang family is the No. 1 wealthy family, but Jiang Liu really can't think of anyone who has the ability to fight him like this!

How dare you know that there is only such a child in the Jiang family.

"Uncle... there are two people who are unconscious, but one of them is awake. They are husband and wife. As you said before, there is no news between the husband and wife without knowing. Would it be that two people are doing things at the same time and acting separately. One... the other went to contact those reporters."

"Although I don't know you very well, I also know that many people want to swallow the Jiang family's status, but it's just a chance."

Chi Feng thought about sitting next to Jiang Xinrui, looking at Jiang Liudao.

To be honest, Chi Feng didn't believe in other people at all. This person was referring to people in the human world.

Humans are the smartest in Chi Feng's eyes, and they are also the best at conspiracy. Their only shortcoming is their short life span...

During this year in the human world, Chi Feng has really witnessed a lot of things, and his mind has become more flexible than before.

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