Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3540: : Gaze into the abyss

"Uncle San, I don’t have time to joke with you. Did my sister return to the Demon Realm? She has grown up today, and I haven’t had time to observe any changes in her. I should have followed you and her, but today...some special circumstances...I, I didn't pay attention, but she hasn't appeared since the blood was taken!"

"I thought my sister was by my side, but I found her and she was not there, and I don't even know when she was not there."

When Chi Feng said this, his tone was a little anxious. He was really anxious, and there was no news quietly. This is not something that Wan Feng can do.

Chi Feng felt even more guilty. My sister was so kind to him, but in the end, she really didn't know much about her.

"Wanfeng didn't come back..."

"Don't worry, your sister Wanfeng is more reliable than me. There will be nothing wrong with you, but you will panic when you encounter something. What will you panic!"

"Besides, she finally followed you to the human world. In the past few years, all circles have been peaceful. Because of our relationship with the heavens, no one will take the initiative to conflict with the devil."

"So Wanfeng won’t have any accidents. Maybe something happened. Her mood will change a lot on the first day of adulthood. You go out and look for it. Originally, my father and I meant that she didn’t want her today. I went, but Wanfeng was anxious, always worried about what happened because of her own reasons..."

When Fengying heard Chi Feng's voice transmission, she felt a little unreliable in her heart, but she still didn't show it on the surface, otherwise Chi Feng would be even more worried.

Then he soothed in a low voice, and said that the wine was not mixed at the end.

Thinking of what Wanfeng would do in his mind, his emotions became so fast on the first day of adulthood? Go out to relax by yourself?

Fengying thought this way, and after receiving Chifeng's voice, she still followed out of the devil world. The two children were really not reassuring. Chifeng encountered such a thing for the first time, and Wanfeng was nowhere to be found.

They didn’t directly inform the Brahma couple... and they knew not to worry about their parents, and then they could frustrate his third uncle!

Who told him that his third uncle was lonely, and Fengying laughed at himself helplessly.

Just as Fengying went to the human world, Chifeng was panicking to find Wanfeng. At the same time, Wanfeng was on a dark and deep stone steps, looking at a mist in the distance, unable to distinguish between dreams and reality, and there was nothing around him. One thing.

At this moment, the stone steps that Wanfeng walked were downwards. From Wanfeng's perspective, it looked like a bottomless abyss. The more you went down, the more you couldn't see the things below.

Profound and dark represents the fear of the unknown. This is the normal psychology of a normal person when he sees an abyss, but to Wanfeng, all this is nothing.

On the contrary, Wanfeng feels that this place is very beautiful and yearning. Deep down, she even feels like it very much. She can't wait to stay here forever. This is a sense of belonging at home.

Thinking of this, Wanfeng's downward footsteps became even more anxious, and there seemed to be a voice under the abyss calling her...

At this moment, Wanfeng seems to have forgotten that her brother is really going crazy because of her sudden disappearance.

Ten miles of spring breeze.

Jiang Xinrui's room.

"Thank you for today's affairs. Anyway, if you show up later, the situation may be worse. Can you come out now? We can talk about the termination of the contract."

"My parents have taken a rest, and the barriers that isolate the sound will not be discovered for a while, and even if they are discovered, there is nothing. I will tell my parents truthfully. You are the one who saved me. There is nothing to hide. Yes, I used to be as extreme as I thought."

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