Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3541: :no response

"Ji Li?"

Jiang Xinrui tapped the strange story while talking.

Only after Jiang Xinrui spoke for a while, the other party did not respond at all. Jiang Xinrui thought that Ji Li was worried about Hua Sheng, and Jiang Liu found that his trail was not easy to explain.

It's okay if I add it right away.

But there is still no response.

For a long time, Jiang Xinrui subconsciously believed that Ji Li broke free from the book and regained his freedom, and when Ji Li had his own body, that was when he was free.

And now, Ji Li's entity was seen by Jiang Xinrui with his own eyes, and Ji Li was also sure. Jiang Xinrui should think that the book should be gone.

Moreover, Jiang Xinrui does not always pay attention to this book. It's just that Jiang Xinrui experienced what happened today, and when he saw Ji Li, he took out the book with Guai Tan. The two words Guai Tan were written very clearly, but strangely. Yes, the last time Ji Li had a vague influence, the book had a yellowish change.

Now the distance from the last time has not changed at all, and it is still yellowing like that.

This is why Jiang Xinrui was so surprised at Ji Li's sudden transformation into a human being.

Is it possible that when the blurry image appears, the change is just a coincidence, so at this time, you have your own body completely, but there is no change?

I really don't blame Jiang Xinrui for thinking like this, but when she opened the drawer, she saw the contents and kept it quietly, and Jiang Xinrui fell into silence.

Although it made her heart tired this evening, Jiang Xinrui's heart is still uneasy if this matter is not resolved. After all, she still has doubts about Ji Li. Even if she rests, Jiang Xinrui will keep thinking about it, and solve it earlier. Can really feel at ease.

So after Jiang Xinrui returned to the room, she wanted to see Ji Li again, and she couldn't wait for a moment when she waited for the rest of her parents.

This time Hua Lin’s sudden situation was a lesson. Whether it was directed at her mother, father, or her, one could not deny that there was an eye behind her staring at her, staring at their family.

Jiang Xinrui's heart couldn't rest even more when he thought of all the factors of instability around him.

Even thinking about being Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu knew of her short-term contract with Ji Li is not unimportant.

It's just that Ji Li hasn't responded for a long time, Jiang Xinrui can't help but wonder if Ji Li lied to her again? Even the main body is false?

"Ji Li?"

Jiang Xinrui thought of this, her eyes flickered, and she raised her hand to gather a blue flame, getting closer and closer to the strange story...

Don't say that she is not a good person, she has never said that she is a good person.

It's just that no matter how close Jiang Xinrui was, or even burned to the corner of the book, there was no response to the yellowing strange story.

There was no sound around or even in my head.

Helpless, Jiang Xinrui received the sacred flame for nine days, and stood in front of the window, holding the strange talk in his hand and beating it without a beat, the thoughts in his mind gradually drifted away.

After that, Jiang Xinrui's eyes changed again. She turned her head and looked at the time. At 4:15, the sun had already begun to rise, but why was the opposite Shaohua entering?

"Chifeng? Wanfeng? Why does this time seem to have just come back? The dusty servants...didn't they go back yesterday?"

Jiang Xinrui asked suspiciously, and when she turned her head again, her eyes were a little surprised, and her expression changed even more...

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