Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3568: : Female intuition

"You really don't mention these three words, but you don't leave her every word. If you don't like it, why do you smile here, do you think you can find any sense of existence with me? I am different from you, okay? Me His family has a good relationship with Jiang Xinrui. Is that normal? They have known each other for a long time, longer than you!"

Wanfeng said with a cool tone, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

It is true that when she keeps mentioning Jiang Xinrui in her mind, she will still be very irritable, but because of this irritability, Wanfeng said more, otherwise, for people like Gu Mai, she would really disdain to say more. what.

And Wanfeng's tone had anger and unwillingness that even she hadn't noticed, which was exactly the same as the jealousy in Gu Mai's eyes.

When Gu Mai saw this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly. As for Wanfeng's ridicule, there was no feeling at all. After all, the ridicule like Wanfeng's was really indifferent since childhood.

It's a lot more than this, what's this?

"If you really think like you said, then treat it as if I didn't say anything. Since I was a kid, I like to talk to myself. If my sister thinks what I said is wrong, then treat it as if I didn't hear it. I just want to talk to myself. You just said a few more words."

"People are really strange. They are all people, but they have a different life. Some people have everything from birth, but some people have been chasing them all their lives."

"But you are different, I can feel it, so why do you want to let out everything that belongs to you, dare to be your brother or uncle, isn't it all yours? And your younger brother, that's all yours, you The distance is so close, why is it not as good as an outsider? If you really don’t care, how can you look like that to her? You haven’t noticed it yourself? But I saw it. After all, I’m more sensitive. I have had problems since I was a child, but I don’t know if Jiang Xinrui has seen..."

"If she sees your eyes, how would she react? What kind of person is she, you should see her more clearly? How long have I known her... Sincerely remind my sister, Jiang Xinrui's motives are far more than you think Many, what she likes the most is to see others begged for nothing, and to watch others wagging his tail by her side!

"If you don't do something earlier, do you still have your place in your home? Even if Chi Feng is really with Jiang Xinrui, as long as she has a word, my sister can think about it, can you still see your brother in the future? I have my own thoughts, but I can't do anything. I can only watch and understand everything, but I can't refuse her, because I like it, care about it, who has no light in her life yet, I hope Sister Wanfeng's In the future, I won’t be like me. It’s a luxury to see the people you like. I hope that the people you like in the future will like you, and there will be no one else where you can see."

After Gu Mai said this, she turned her head and stopped talking. This time, she raised her head and raised her head. She had never done this before. She only felt that she was unworthy, but at this time she wanted to look good again. To the person you like, to be upright.

As for why she said this to Wanfeng, it may be that some words were held in her heart for too long, and she didn’t vomit. Moreover, when she said that she saw Wanfeng’s wrong eyes with Jiang Xinrui, Wanfeng changed her face. Wanfeng said nothing.

I didn’t expect Wanfeng to have a problem. It might be a woman’s instinct...

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