Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3569: : Go with peace of mind

When he saw Jiang Xinrui leading the people to explain the sports meeting at the place closest to the stadium, Gu Mai found out that there was no Wanfeng among them, and then saw Wanfeng sitting in the most remote corner, quietly looking at the corner of his mouth There is no smile, the direction of that look is Jiang Xinrui's.

At that moment, needless to say, Gu Mai felt it. This sister Wanfeng was not simpler than what she had seen on the surface. She thought that someone would be willing to make green leaves by Jiang Xinrui's side.

It turns out that it’s better to hide it. Such news is good news for her. Jiang Xinrui only treats her as a joke, and she can’t do much to Jiang Xinrui. Even now, she hasn’t said anything to Chi Feng. It doesn't matter, because all she wants is that Chi Feng can be happy, but Jiang Xinrui, who is uncertain, although she is laughing, no one actually knows what she thinks.

Chi Feng living with such a person is simply a torture. Gu Mai would not watch Jiang Xinrui ruin Chi Feng. How could such a beautiful person be contaminated with filth!

So she is enough to do all these things. For a kind and beautiful person like Chi Feng, it is natural that other people will take care of all the roads and hand it over to him.

And she didn't need Chi Feng to know how a low-level person like her could contaminate Chi Feng's ears.

Chi Feng and Gu Mai said that they were completely different beings. She never dreamed that they could be together. She only hoped that Chi Feng could be taken care of. As long as Chi Feng was happy, she felt satisfied.

But Jiang Xinrui is an anomaly to her, people like Chi Feng should be held by all the stars, not around Jiang Xinrui!

Seeing Chi Feng's cautiousness when facing Jiang Xinrui, the treasure in that eye pierced Gu Mai's eyes.

So she must break this, why can Jiang Xinrui do this? What treats others as treasures, so despise?

How can such a person deserve to have the sun?

"You are talking nonsense, you are jealous of Jiang Xinrui, and you slander her in front of me. I am different from you!"

Wanfeng shouted stiffly. She was expressing her disapproval of Gu Mai. In fact, she didn't have any opinion on Jiang Xinrui, but Wanfeng didn't know what was going on. Now as long as Jiang Xinrui is mentioned, the whole person is wrong. Even when Gu Mai was talking, she actually agreed with her in her heart, and she wanted to calculate something with Jiang Xinrui...

Fortunately, Wanfeng is still sensible. When thinking like this in her heart, her mind is desperately rejecting it.

In the end, Wanfeng conquered the thoughts she shouldn't have, but she was a little uncontrollable anger when she spoke to Gu Mai!

In the eyes of others, it seems to become irritated, being guessed, and grasping the pain.

Just as Wanfeng thought, this is what Gu Mai saw in his eyes.

The corner of Gu Mai's mouth raised a little and smiled. Although the smile is very shallow, it still can't hide his good mood. As long as Chi Feng's sister hates Jiang Xinrui, sooner or later her light, that is, Chi Feng's side will be clean. !

Originally, she didn't believe what the man said. After all, it was Chi Feng's sister, and she spent so long with Jiang Xinrui, so how could Wanfeng help her?

Now it seems that she is very relieved and can leave without worry...

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