Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3574: : Feminine Heart

The secrets that others hide in their hearts are scars, deep ones, and anyone who forms any kind of character is always well documented.

Gu Mai's inferiority complex, extreme inferiority, and morbid psychology are all cultivated by her experience. Such a person is very sad. Jiang Xinrui really wanted to pull her out of the abyss.

But Jiang Xinrui thought of her mother's sisters, the stamina after being pulled out of the abyss was so great, Jiang Xinrui felt that she didn't want to bear those, and perhaps couldn't bear those, so she didn't want to bother with them.

And what Jiang Xinrui can do is not to refuse. Gu Mai likes to look at Chi Feng by her side, so that's optimistic. She can't do anything anyway. As for other things, Jiang Xinrui won't help her because she can't help. , Gu Mai’s problem is even more sad than that of Yu Ping back then, but what can happen to her, she can’t change anything about the blood relationship with her close relatives.

The person Gu Mai cares about the most is her already crazy mother, but she dare not see it, because after she met her, her mother will often become even more crazy. As for Gu Mai most hate person is her father. Who told her father to do such a thing for the so-called inheritance of blood, and finally ruined three women. Yes, there were three. Gu Mai’s father married another after her mother went crazy. The funny thing is, The second wife is his cousin, and Gu Mai's mother is his aunt.

The ancient wheat family is really one of the most magical existence. Jiang Xinrui did not comment, let alone say more, just want to know who the person who calculated himself with ancient wheat is, and what is their purpose? Just want to ruin yourself, or start from yourself, want to ruin the spring breeze of ten miles? Hurt her parents.

At this time, Gu Mai’s eyes were frightened and cold sweat was flowing. When he heard Jiang Xinrui tell her secret, Gu Mai’s heart sank. She thought this must be Jiang Xinrui deceiving her. How could Jiang Xinrui know her secret, mother back then After being mad, he was sent away. His father remarried and all hid them well. After all, his wife went mad after giving birth to a child. It was a shame to his father that Jiang Xinrui would not know. of.

But when Gu Mai heard what Jiang Xinrui said about the outskirts of Jiangcheng...

Gu Mai is completely panicked, Chi Feng is still here, how can Jiang Xinrui!

Seeing that Chi Feng has been refusing to turn his head to look at her, is it because Chi Feng also knows? Know that she is a dirty existence? Gu Mai still remembers that Chi Feng once smiled at her, that is, that smile made Gu Mai completely remembered in his heart and could no longer extricate himself...

But now...

"What nonsense are you talking about! Jiang Xinrui, are you insulting me so? Is it because I am ugly? My family is not as good as you? So those words slander me! You are too vicious, people say femme fatale, I think it's you!"

"Or because I look at Chifeng's eyes more, so you want to retaliate against me like this? I think you are rubbish, shameless, you got together with your cousin and were photographed by reporters. If it weren't for your family's overwhelming power. The press and the press threatened it. This news has long been known to everyone. You actually have a face to say that I, how can a person like you are still alive! Why do you get Chifeng's love? Did you slander me in front of Chifeng, Let him not even look at me!"

"Even if you look like a celestial being and have a decent family background, you can't cover up your snake heart!"

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