Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3575: : So naive

Gu Mai directly stood up and pointed at Jiang Xinrui and shouted madly.

She wants everyone to see how this woman can pretend! It is true that she is not a good person, but Jiang Xinrui is not even more unbearable with her. She can never stand beside Chi Feng with an identity like her, so what about Jiang Xinrui? Why can she do it!

When someone told her that she could help her, Gu Mai felt that it was a magical soldier from heaven, and everything she thought was fruitful! She is no longer qualified, and it is simply the best result to make Jiang Xinrui the same person as her ancient wheat!

But Gu Mai did not expect this incident to fail!

I hated this ancient wheat when he was at home, until he took out a knife and scratched his wrist. The blood and pain relieved the ancient wheat, but I thought that Chi Feng would still be polluted by Jiang Xinrui all day long. Go crazy with anger.

Fortunately, the person showed her the way. The person never showed up, but gave her guidance in a dream. Gu Mai did not meet the person, but Gu Mai knew that the person really existed, because according to that person That said, I almost got it, and the antique baby in her family was also given by that person, as the cost of management...

Gu Mai originally planned to win another alliance for herself according to the guidelines, that is, Wanfeng, because she can do fewer and fewer things. When the Jiang family finds out that she is spending money to find the reporters, then she It must be cold, her father is not a river, and can protect her.

So before this, according to the person in the dream, the development of people who are not good for Jiang Xinrui, whoever does not like Jiang Xinrui, are their friends, and Wanfeng is only one of them! Of course, Wanfeng is the most advantageous and explosive in the middle.

But now everything has changed. It is too late for Ancient Wheat to slowly develop anything, because Jiang Xinrui has stepped on the lightning spot of Ancient Wheat, the most inaccessible thing!

Hearing these words of Jiang Xinrui, Gu Mai simply ignored it, because she really couldn't care about so much now. Some people didn't need to say anything, but a single sentence could completely change her words and not be calm.

Gu Mai can't wait for Jiang Xinrui to talk about herself to the point where she can't stand up. Chi Feng may already know everything, if that's the case, then everyone will die together!

She can't be good, don't think about it!

"I think you are nonsense. You should be put in a lunatic asylum! Ruier didn't tell me anything. I heard you. It was originally your fault. Ruier was wronged and it didn't make you too embarrassed. If you tell the truth, you can still protect you. As a result, the more you say it, the worse it sounds! And what is my relationship with you? Not before, not now, not even in the future, I ask you not to talk nonsense."

Standing in front of Jiang Xinrui, Chi Feng said coldly to Gu Mai.

If it weren’t for other classmates at this moment, Chi Feng didn’t want Jiang Xinrui to be more and more affected, so he didn’t make it clear, otherwise he really wanted to directly ask this woman who is vicious or a school student? Can think of so many wicked tricks, and to talk to Gu Mai, Chi Feng really understands what is insulting gentleman.

He reminded himself at all times, to be civilized, not to be familiar with a woman.

"Chi Feng... how could you be so naive? Jiang Xinrui did it on purpose!"

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