Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3740: :problem causes

"What about my sister? Did something deceive me? It deceived our family? Where did my sister go the night of her adulthood? What happened? Why did you change when you got home?"

"I think we don’t need to go in now. We should make it clear outside so that we don’t get the father and mother in front of them and let them worry about it. Sister, what do you say? I am also worried about you. How worried are you about me, how worried I am. You, you are my sister. Just like you said, we are a female compatriot. The blood is thicker than water. We have the same blood flowing on our body. How can you think that I am not worried about you? Last time, I have always been Remember, if you didn’t say it, it doesn’t mean you forgot. I’m waiting for you to tell me or waiting for me to find out."

"Your despair, and your recent attitude towards things, are all wrong. We have lived for a hundred years, and what happens to each other, do you think I don't know? Or do you think I can't feel it either?"

Chi Feng turned to look at Wanfeng, and went back in no hurry, his eyes with oppressive pain.

Wanfeng is his elder sister. Chi Feng knows what he is like. However, he will never forget that his elder sister will ask Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng, or even other people, for him, Chi Feng believes that as long as he needs it, Wanfeng is willing to do anything. Over the years, Wanfeng is the only one who lives.

All the feelings are him, how can Chi Feng not be depressed? Not painful? His elder sister had no more behind her, and gave it all to him. Of course Chi Feng felt uncomfortable, it was an unspeakable guilt.

He can be sorry for anyone, but he can't be sorry for his sister.

But now it is obvious that there are many problems with my sister, some of them may be because of him, but there may also be not, but no matter which kind, Chi Feng believes that it must have something to do with him.

Chi Feng just wanted to clarify all this, to make it clear to Wanfeng, not wanting to see his sister and the person he loves appearing in situations he didn't want to see.

If it can be resolved, then everything will be happy, all together will not have a headache, but if these are the opposite, Chi Feng can really have a headache. The contradiction between Wanfeng and Jiang Xinrui, invisible, intangible, will always be in their side. intermediate.

Just like now, Chi Feng wanted to know what his sister was hiding. He didn't believe that her sister really didn't know what happened that night, even if he didn't know it at all, let alone the process, but the result? He has also grown up, and every demon in the Demon Realm has grown up. Everyone knows what will happen on the day of adulthood. Even if there are individual ones, they will probably not deviate too much.

So Chi Feng would not believe that Wanfeng really didn't remember at all. This was unreasonable.

Besides, Chi Feng remembered Wan Feng’s expression and appearance that day. Chi Feng knew that Wan Feng’s eyes contained too many emotions, which he didn’t know. In fact, Chi Feng didn’t know that it didn’t matter, who could not have some secrets that belonged to him. It's just that after this short period of time, Chi Feng felt that all the problems came out on the night when Wan Feng became an adult.

"That has passed, and I have said that, I don’t know where I went, but I’m sure nothing happened, because there’s nothing wrong with my body, that’s okay, you don’t have to worry about me. It’s not the reason you have been worried!"

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