Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3741: Miss rescue

"Can you understand what I mean? I'm a sister, so it's enough for me to worry about you. You don't have to worry about me, you can live your own life. What I can do will do it for you. I don't It will hurt you, and it won't make you feel embarrassed. You can rest assured that you believe me, okay?"

"As for other things, don't ask! Let's go in. We haven't talked to my father or mother as an adult. They must miss me. You have to believe me. I won't harm you."

Wanfeng didn't expect that Chi Feng would look at her with such certainty, and wanted to know what happened that day. This was something that Wanfeng didn't expect, because that incident had already passed, and Chi Feng didn't show much doubt about herself that day. Wanfeng thought he hadn't remembered it long ago, or believed the rhetoric.

It turned out that Chi Feng was waiting here.

At a sudden moment, Chi Feng suddenly turned around and asked about everything before, which made Wan Feng feel a little caught off guard. Wan Feng thought that these things had passed, and what they wanted to see was the new situation, and they kept facing Chi Feng. When asked, Wan Feng was a little flustered subconsciously.

I can only say that she didn't understand why Chi Feng would ask this all of a sudden...

And Wanfeng herself didn’t know what she was panicking. In short, she felt very uncomfortable, as if there was something she wanted to express. That was something she couldn’t understand, and wanted to understand it, but Wanfeng couldn’t understand it, just like there was something. Something is stopping her...

There is some force in the body that is pulling, and there are some things that Wanfeng can't say at all. What she thinks in her mind is completely different from what she actually says.

In fact, Wanfeng had discovered this a long time ago, but she could not change anything, because when she consciously felt something was wrong, Wanfeng would be distracted by new things and forget all the things she felt was wrong. At the time, it was also Wanfeng's self-help. She hoped that someone would find out and save her.

It may be the induction in the dark, it is also the self-help of her body, but this self-help, no one can feel it.

This self-rescue generally has only two possibilities at the end, either because it succeeded in self-rescue, or because it missed the opportunity to rescue. In any case, Wanfeng's current state is really dangerous.

"Chifeng, do you understand what your sister said? Don't ask, let's go home...home!"

Looking at Chi Feng, Wan Feng did not respond, and then stretched out her hand to hold Chi Feng and walked home without any explanation. Her expression was particularly rushed, and she was very worried that Chi Feng would continue to ask questions. If Chi Feng wanted to ask, Wan Feng did not answer directly, instead. It was an escape in Chi Feng's eyes, a particularly obvious escape.


Chi Feng wanted to know everything, but couldn't ask. Looking at Wanfeng like this, Chi Feng felt uncomfortable, whispering to her sister in a low voice, just like when she was a child, but this time Wanfeng didn't turn around and stroke him like she did when she was a child. To comfort him...

It seemed that Wanfeng had completely ignored many things, or had forgotten, but just wanted to transfer what was said at this time.

Chi Feng followed Wanfeng into the Demon Realm step by step, and walked back to his home. Chi Feng kept looking at Wanfeng from behind and just looking at her sister like this, Chi Feng found that she couldn't see her sister more and more. …

Until they were in front of their parents, the two siblings did not speak any more, but were silent.

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