Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3769: : Inexplicable impact

As for what was wrong, Feng Xi couldn't say clearly, and kept coming home, Feng Xi didn't think about it clearly. Early in the morning, Feng Xi knew that Qin Xiaobao was definitely not awake, and Qin Wanyu guessed the same. Feng Xi was very careful.

As a result, as soon as I opened the door, I saw two heads, one large and one small, and four pairs of eyes were looking at the door.

At first glance, that posture has been insisted for a long time.

"Get up so early? Have you had breakfast? You won't stay up all night, wait for me to come back?"

Feng Xi asked uneasyly.

He had tired eyes. When he saw her husband and son, Feng Xi instantly became energetic and felt full of power.

This feeling was very different. It was different from what Qin Wanyu had been waiting for before. Two people who looked like copies were waiting for her worriedly and expectantly. Feng Xi felt very warm.

At the same time, I realized that it was really different...

"It's not a whole night. I fell asleep in a daze, but I have been sitting here. Qin Xiaobao will wait for you. I will send him back to the room and keep my eyes open. I can't help but stay with him. With him sitting in the living room, if you don't come back, I will sleep restlessly."

"I thought you sent Qin Xiaobao back, and you will be back soon. I didn't expect it to be all night. You shouldn't have breakfast? I'll do it, let's eat and rest together. I won't go to work today. In this state, I start to see things dazzled."

"I'm really old, but I'm only in my forties, and I just stayed up for one night. I don't know what's going on, so I'm very tired."

Qin Wanyu let go of his worry when he saw Feng Xi push the door in. He turned to look at Qin Xiaobao and followed with a sigh of relief, and then went to make breakfast.

When he got up, Qin Wanyu really felt a little dizzy, and it was really time to be inferior to the big and small guys. That would be the same as Jiang Liu and Wang Junxian... They wouldn't be so good even if they drank all night.

The next day I cleaned up and continued to work. I was still very energetic. Now I just stayed up all night and started to experience physical load. Qin Wanyu knew that his body was also suffering from an overdraft problem, and now he started looking for him.

I didn’t take good care of my body before, but now all the problems are coming...

But Feng Xi finished speaking at Qin Wanyu, and even when she brought breakfast, Feng Xi didn't speak because she didn't know what to say, she just held Qin Xiaobao and quietly looked at the hot porridge in front of her.

"The Ling family is calculating the Feng family's affairs, I can't do that, and they almost harmed Rui'er, I have to fight back...otherwise the Ling family will only get more and more excessive..."

"I'll be careful... Yesterday, Xiao Hei went with me. I came back late because Xiao Hei found something, but it didn't finish. I think there is still a problem in the process. I don't know why Xiao Hei wants to hide from me. …Qin Wanyu, why don’t you ask me? And why don’t you say anything when I say what I’m going to do?"

After Feng Xi was silent, watching Qin Wanyu sullen her head and drinking porridge, she felt a little uncomfortable for a while, as if something was pressing on her heart. This feeling was felt when she walked into the house.

It was as if something hit Feng Xi's heart, it was very heavy.

"Ask what? I didn't ask you to say it? Besides, didn't you like me the least and asked you about those things? You did the right thing. You can't care about Rui'er, let alone the Feng family. I've been bullied to the top, of course I have to take action, Xiao Hei has something to hide from you, then ask A Sheng, she must know..."

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