Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3770: : It's cold and violent

"Asked A Sheng, no matter what, you will have an answer. What else can I say? I don’t understand what you are doing. I am a Muggle, and what I can do is to wait for you to come back safely and do it for you. Hot meal."

"Eat quickly, it will be cold for a while, which is not good for the stomach. I should go to bed immediately after eating. It is really uncomfortable to stay up late. We are not young anymore. We used to overdraw too much."

"There is also Qin Xiaobao, don't look at it, eat quickly, or you won't grow up!"

Qin Wanyu raised his head and smiled when he heard Fengxi's words.

Afterwards, while taking care of Qin Xiaobao's meal, he brought Fengxi some vegetables, and finally he ate in big mouthfuls.

This evening, I was worried about Fengxi, and there was no news at all. Qin Wanyu didn't even eat dinner, and couldn't eat anything because of worry. Now, seeing Fengxi come back safely, Qin Wanyu felt hungry.

Nothing to eat late in the morning, plus not sleeping all night, and going to make breakfast again, Qin Wanyu's hands were shaking, and the whole person was going to collapse.

Qin Wanyu didn't even have the strength to ask about Fengxi, because he knew very well that it was useless to say anything. He could do nothing but wait like this.

"Qin Wanyu, something is wrong with you, do you have anything to say, just say if you have, don't do this, I look uncomfortable!"

Feng Xi put down the bowl and exhaled heavily. The state of the whole person was also a bit decadent.

She was also very tired. Since returning home, Feng Xi couldn't say how uncomfortable, especially when he saw Qin Wanyu and Qin Xiaobao sitting on the sofa, looking at the door, after waiting for her all night, Feng Xi's heart seemed to be silent. What is she doing...

"I said eat! Then go to rest, okay? Qin Xiaobao, have you eaten well?"

Qin Wanyu heard Feng Xi's words and drank a large bowl of porridge in one gulp. Feeling that his body had heat, he raised his head and smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes.

When facing Qin Xiaobao, Qin Wanyu's eyes could barely carry a little gentleness. It was really Qin Xiaobao's appearance, which made him unbearable. Qin Xiaobao's already sleepy eyes were red, but he couldn't see his mother coming home. Don't worry, and Qin Xiaobao also knows what his mother is doing out, just because he knows, then he can't be relieved.

Qin Xiaobao received his father's words, looked up at his mother, nodded slowly, with rice juice still on his face, then struggling to jump out of Fengxi’s arms, walked to the door of the room by himself, and then Turning his head to look at Mom and Dad again, there was moisture in his little eyes, which was sleepy.

Under the gaze of his parents, Qin Xiaobao still walked into the room and lay down by himself...

When Qin Xiaobao returned to the room, Qin Wanyu got up and went back to the room. He didn't want to say anything in front of the child or in the living room, worried that Qin Xiaobao would hear it, and he didn't want to say anything, but just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Qin Wanyu? What are you doing? Just say okay if you have any ideas? You look like this, I think it's particularly boring, really!"

Looking at Qin Wanyu like this, Feng Xi felt like he had never felt before. He felt a sense of powerlessness as he scratched his ears and cheeks.

I wished to go to Ling's house again, this time she smashed Ling's house with Xiao Hei once, not scratching her, she was so uneasy...

Feng Xi felt that she was going to be suffocated to death, so is Qin Wanyu coldly violent with her now?

Seeing everything is normal, but except for the words, the tone and state are all abnormal, and even the behavior is abnormal!

"Is it useful to say something? Fengxi?"

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