Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3771: : Living hard

"What else do you want me to say? Is what I said useful? It has been 18 years since we were together, and almost 20 years. How many times have I said it, did you listen to me that time? I'm used to it, haven't they?"

"Anyway, no matter what I say, you will still do what you are going to do. When do you worry about my feelings? Actually, I don’t care. We have come to this day. I am really used to worrying about you and not being able to sleep at night. I'm used to worrying, I'm used to opening the door once, I'll never see you again..."

"It's just, Fengxi, can you look at the child? He is so young and... just looks at the door and waits for you. Although he can't speak, he has a clear mind. He is not stupid at all and knows what you want to do. It’s more clear that you can’t stop and you can’t stop you, so I worry about you, and even pretend to sleep in order not to worry you. If I didn’t go to see if he had covered the quilt, I didn’t find out that the child was after you left. I've been sitting on the bed, waiting for you..."

"Do you know how heavy my heart was when I saw Qin Xiaobao's appearance? I suddenly found that I was a failure. I used to wait for you with fear and fear. It has become a habit. Now I still want my son to be with me. When can you stop? In recent years, because of Qin Xiaobao’s body, you have rarely cared about outside affairs, but your heart has been paying attention to the outside world, and you even wish to make a clone and send out the guardian **** to take care of it. Feng Family, take care of this Jiangcheng, I know that you have a heavy burden, and I also comfort myself. I have known about you from the beginning. What I can do to be a qualified husband is to arrange your backing, etc. I want you to come back, so that you will have a warm place after you are exhausted from running around. In these years, I think what I have done is not acceptable, and I should not complain at this time. It is too hypocritical."

"It's not the first day I know! But just because I understand everything, I can't let go of it soon. Will Qin Xiaobao keep going on my way? I'm worried. I can still complain and make a few hypocritical words, but what about him... Now I can’t even post one."

Qin Wanyu finally said, leaning against the wall, squatting on the ground, hands on his face, making people invisible.

That kind of depression and collapse is Qin Wanyu's heart, he can't send it out all the time, so he can only talk like this, but Qin Wanyu also knows that there is no point in what he says now, but Qin Wanyu is really going crazy, this Feng Xi did not go out for a few years, but as Qin Xiaobao grew up, Feng Xi became busy again and began to take care of outside affairs again.

It used to be Hua Sheng, now it is Jiang Xinrui...

Qin Wanyu especially wanted to smash the wall. He knew very well that whether it was Hua Sheng or Jiang Xinrui, they were actually not to blame, but they really rushed together, but this did not prevent Qin Wanyu from smashing the wall. The whole person was about to be ground. died.

In the past, Qin Wanyu would never easily say a life or death sentence, but now Qin Wanyu only finds it difficult to live.

For a long time, Qin Wanyu thought that he was a very optimistic person, and he was also very optimistic to drive the wind.

It’s just that Qin Wanyu really feels that it’s never had a hard time. Will they follow Jiang Xinrui to her child...

Feng Xi is a good person, and he hasn't been sorry for what he has done over the years...

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