Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4019: : Human skin drop

Really the king of camphor!

This is Chi Feng's sigh in his heart after confirming where he is. He was still worried about how he would enter this place, but he didn't expect it to be effortless! He was knocked out and brought along after he followed.

It's just that Chi Feng didn't expect that he had really misunderstood a little bit. Thinking of this, Chi Feng was still a bit embarrassed, because people didn't have any strange thoughts about him at all! No wonder the understanding of himself is fairly clear, because at the beginning he was thinking of his own face.

What he wants is his own face.

Chi Feng moved his hands and feet. At this time, he was firmly locked by the roots of the camphor tree. Chi Feng knew that if he couldn't break free quietly, it would be easy for that guy to find out what he was doing. NS.

It's very dark inside. Listening to what Ming Qian meant, it should be underground. Now I can only wait for Jiang Xinrui to find that he is missing.

Regarding this, Chi Feng did not feel embarrassed. Although it was a beauty who saved the hero, it was not a problem between him and Jiang Xinrui. He did not feel ashamed. On the contrary, he just hoped that Jiang Xinrui could come soon...

Chi Feng also believes that Jiang Xinrui will soon find that she is missing...

What he has to do now is to ensure that he is not injured. Before Jiang Xinrui comes, protect himself, thinking of his heroine silently in his heart. If Jiang Xinrui does not come, he can only save himself. No matter what, Chi Feng will not let him. People remove their own face, even though they sometimes dislike their looks too gorgeous, but they are also their own faces.

Just listening below, Chi Feng also knew one thing, that is, the person in their mouth was really just like what Xiang Zhang Wang said. They didn’t know the true face of Lushan, and there was another point that made Chi Feng. Fortunately, among the lines in the Xiangzhangwang character, it is not difficult to find that the person cultivated spiritual energy, which should have come from the heavens, and had nothing to do with demons, so it was not his sister.

You must know that no matter how long he and his sister stay in the heavens, they can’t change their identity. That is the cultivation base. They are demon auras, and they are incompatible with spiritual power. They are not doing well, just like between him and Jiang Xinrui. That's the countermeasure. Of course, Jiang Xinrui can purify all the devilish energy in the world.

Although it cannot be said for sure that it has nothing to do with Wanfeng, there are clues to prove that even if Wanfeng can hide her devilish energy, she can't produce any aura. This is something of mutual restraint.

Up to now, Chi Feng just wondered why his mother, third uncle and others would notice the same breath as her sister in this place! Just as he noticed that Ming Qian's breath was somewhat familiar today, it was also because of his blood relationship with the Xiangzhang King. After he met the Xiangzhang King, he would naturally feel that when he saw Ming Qian again.

But it can also be felt that the two are different, so how can his mother be certain that this is the place Wanfeng has walked through?

The mother will not feel wrong about the breath of her child, and now it also shows that the devil cannot change the aura that belongs to the heaven...

Unless the king of camphor is still lying!

But this is very small. Is it necessary for them to talk to their families?


"Mingqian! Stop it, how can you fight with your father..."

The bed board was blown to pieces at the sound, followed by Diejin's cry and weakness.

She was lying on the bed, her lower body was still tree roots, where she could move, she could only watch, stretched out her hand to stop, and the human skin fell more...

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