Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4020: : Lower death hand

What Die Jin wanted to do was for her own future, she wanted to be like a person again, and she also had the thought of using her son, but it was a bit ugly to say that she was using her. After all, it was her son and husband, she also wanted them to be good. After all, this is the only way for her to be well. Isn't her life just to live anew?

It’s just that in the past, the two father and the son were beating secretly, and they couldn’t deal with it. Diejin knew that they had always opened one eye and closed one eye. The boy and the father didn’t have the mother’s adjustment. Such noisy.

This time is the time to show her, otherwise, where is the opportunity for her? After all, she can't make a human form all year round, even if there is a human form, there is still a short time. How does she rely on maintaining her image as a mother? What do you rely on to maintain your love?

When the person found Ming Qian, Ming Qian did not directly agree, but came to her roots and asked her. She thought it was an opportunity and the opportunity for everything to begin. She was really silent for too long. As for the father-son relationship between them, Diejin knows that they are inherently uncomfortable, and she has become accustomed to it over the years, saying that it is not because of Mingqian's body. King Xiangzhang is also ashamed in his heart. Guilt plus the inability to look directly at the son is the root.

And she knows this at all. She is also working hard to adjust to this problem, but also because of this guilt, Die Jin knows that their father and son will not fight too much no matter how they fight, let alone deny each other. Even if Mingqian was really disrespectful to his father, King Zhang would not really deny this son, that would be enough.

I just didn’t expect that everything is going well today. I suddenly started talking and started talking. How could Ming Qian beat the King of Camphor? It’s not enough to click on the King of Camphor while looking at the King of Camphor. The ultimate move is coming. In the tree hole of King Zhang Zhang, Ming Qian has no power to fight back. No matter where he hits, he will be controlled by the branches of King Zhang, so Ming Qian has to hide. On the one hand, the attack of the king of camphor, on the other hand the entanglement of the branches of the king of camphor.

It's just slapped.

The face without a mouth, the whole head of the fleshy ball is oozing blood, this is the appearance that Diejin has never seen before, when did he hit the child so hard? This is terrible.

"A Zhang! You are crazy, how can you kill him? I know you look down on my son, you want to kill him, but you forgot, he is also your son!"

"No matter what, it's our child, just this one child, how can you be like this... He did these things, not because of me, because of our family..."

"I don't think you want to kill Ming Qian, you want me to die, you despise the son I gave you, and you despise me! But don't forget why I gave birth to this son!"

Diejin slumped on the bed, stretched out her hands to touch in the air, looking at the beating father and son, she could not stop her, she could only use words to stimulate the two people.

Originally the three of them were still talking about changing the skin, Diejin also showed a weak appearance at the right time, and she had a longing for the future, she yearned for a good-looking skin.

But I didn't expect Xiang Zhangwang to shoot directly from the silence at the beginning to the silence afterwards!

The change was too fast, let alone Diejin, even Ming Qian didn't react.


After the hibiscus fell, the roots of the trees suddenly swayed tremendously.

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