Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4195: :I miss you so much

Regarding the fact that Jiang Xinrui didn't go to the underworld to deliver news for Ling Ji, there is no doubt that Jiang Xinrui, she was deliberate and dragged, but Jiang Xinrui couldn't help it. Who made her unable to find the shadow of Pluto? Can't find any figures, what else are you talking about? It was mainly Ling Ji's matter, Jiang Xinrui didn't think it was so important.

It is strange to say that since Pluto learned about the Emperor Fengdu, his whole person has changed, and Jiang Xinrui has become a little incomprehensible. She doesn't understand how there is more important than family affection in this world?

But just the righteousness of friends for a few years, is it worthy of Pluto? Such brotherhood, Jiang Xinrui can only say whether she should be envious or not?

After second thoughts, the same is true between mother and Feng Xi, right? If it wasn't for the good relationship between them, Jiang Xinrui would not have been concerned about the situation of Feng's family. In the past few years, Jiang Xinrui really felt that she was busy.


Jiang Xinrui was standing downstairs of Feng Xi’s house. She saw the barrier above Feng Xi’s house change a long way away. It had changed a lot compared to before, and it had many more layers. I don’t know what Feng’s family is. No baby, so careful, it's a bit too much.

But after another thought, doesn't the Feng Family just have a baby?

Jiang Xinrui thought of that little baby, with a smile on her mouth. The child liked to cling to her since she was a child. It seemed that she hadn’t seen him for a long time, and she didn’t know how he was, especially when she was aware of the changes in Feng Xi’s family, even Ling’s family. Feng Xi’s funeral didn’t appear, which is not like Feng Xi’s style. No matter what he was with Ling’s family, he has changed the owner in the past few years, but Feng Xi still admires Ling Ji very much, even after Ling Ji. Having some calculations for Feng Xi, Feng Xi also took Ling Ji as a child.

Now that people are dead, no matter what the reason is, it is impossible for the Feng Family to be present without a representative, especially if the Patriarch does not move at all?

Because of the experience abroad, Jiang Xinrui has not paid attention to Feng's family for a long time, and has not even contacted Feng Xi.

This will see Feng Family open several layers of barriers, Hua Sheng is not at home, Jiang Xinrui will have to take a look.

Thinking, Jiang Xinrui had already walked to the door of Feng's house and was about to knock on the door. Jiang Xinrui's heart suddenly beat, as if he was oppressed, or as if he was hammered by something, panicking, and his eyelids were also beating.

The last time Jiang Xinrui was in this state, it was because she wanted to have some connection with Fengying, and now that she thinks about it, she feels a bit crazy. What is it doing?

But no matter what, Jiang Xinrui thinks of Fengying, but still feels a little different...Because of the last time, Jiang Xinrui thought that something had happened to Fengying, and couldn't help but hesitate to see Fengxi, after all, Feng Nothing happened to Xi, the last time I was like this, Fengying...

While holding her heart, Jiang Xinrui fumbled for the Mo Cui sign in her arms. She had actually been by her side, but before she could touch the sign, Feng Xi's door suddenly opened.

Jiang Xinrui only felt like a gust of wind, and then a villain hugged her directly.

Looking down, Qin Xiaobao looked up at her with a peach-like round face, eyes full of stars, looking at her shiningly.

That look instantly broke Jiang Xinrui's defense.

It seems that the attraction to Fengying has faded.

Qin Xiaobao can't speak, but she can feel it, Qin Xiaobao is saying, I miss you so much.

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