Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4198: : The prohibition disappears

"How is it? We are fine, really, every day is very fulfilling..."

"You are a child, what do I tell you about this... Besides, you should have known it a long time ago? Qin Xiaobao attracts the attention of some things. With the blood of the Feng family, he is even more noticeable."

"At the beginning, fortunately, Feng Xi could do it by himself. Now that time has passed, more and more, they are all small things, and the connection world cannot be opened, but there is movement. When you came, I thought It's here again, but Qin Xiaobao was dishonest like an earthworm, so he ran to the door, and I knew what the child must be feeling."

"But why are you here at this time? Your mother asked you to come?"

Qin Wanyu sat on the sofa and said something to the west, as if he was gossiping and grumbling, but Qin Wanyu quickly sorted it out and knew that he shouldn’t continue to say this, so he hurriedly diverted. Past.

It's not that Jiang Xinrui has any problems, but that the term "everything is not going to the Three Treasure Hall" is not nonsense, especially Jiang Xinrui, this child is very thoughtful, Qin Wanyu can't understand, and doesn't have the energy to read it.

You can only choose to ask directly.

Feng Xi hadn't contacted Huasheng for a long time, and Huasheng hadn't actively contacted each other. Both of them were busy with their own affairs, and neither disturbed anyone.

To be honest, Qin Wanyu has always subconsciously felt that Feng Xi has really had enough of Hua Sheng’s friend over the years. If he does not participate in Hua Sheng’s affairs, Qin Wanyu always feels that he can be quiet for a while. .

I'm sorry for this kind of thought, but Qin Wanyu will be tired too. He just wants to rest for a while and doesn't care about anything. So Qin Wanyu is relaxed about the fact that Hua Sheng has no connection with Fengxi. He was happy to see it in one breath, but he didn't expect that even without Hua Sheng, Feng's family would still be restless.

Qin Wanyu knew that some people might be the protagonist by nature, so it was destined to gather all the light spots together. This was inevitable.

Qin Wanyu recognized this, so now he is busy protecting his son every day. He can't clean up those dirty things like Feng Xi, but Qin Wanyu can take care of Qin Xiaobao's logistics.

"It wasn't my mother who asked me to come. I came by myself. Even if my mother didn't come, she would still worry about you..."

Jiang Xinrui didn’t know if she understood the decadence and grievances Qin Wanyu said. She read a sentence, as if explaining to her mother, because Jiang Xinrui knew that her mother definitely didn’t want to have any disagreements with Aunt Feng Xi, and she had a feeling for Qin Wanyu. Jiang Xinrui didn't want to look at Qin Wanyu like this.

It's not like him.

As for the Ling family's affairs, I don't know what Jiang Xinrui has to say, it's just a topic that I borrowed.

Jiang Xinrui looked down at Qin Xiaobao. She really understood the child. She did not forget that Ji Li's coveting of Qin Xiaobao and Qin Xiaobao's eyes were green. At that time, Jiang Xinrui knew that the Feng family would definitely not be able to live.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast?

You should know that when Qin Xiaobao's physique was discovered back then, especially when it was really attractive to some disturbed elements, Jiang Xinrui and Hua Sheng put restrictions on Qin Xiaobao's body, which was to hide Qin Xiaobao's breath.

In addition to Hua Sheng and Jiang Xinrui, there are naturally others. It can be said that everyone loves and cares about Qin Xiaobao.

Just why are these restrictions gone now?

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