Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4222: : Living individuals

Although it seems that Jiang Xinrui and Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu do not communicate much, but Jiang Xinrui understands them better than the two of them imagined.

In Jiang Xinrui's heart, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu are both Jiang Xinrui's idols, and idols may not know how to understand their fans. Sometimes fans know themselves better than idols.

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu must have something big to hide, Jiang Xinrui felt it.

In addition to the strange man he met in the environment of ink painting, Jiang Xinrui began to think about it, but she never found the opportunity to confirm with her parents. Now looking at her parents like this, Jiang Xinrui also wants to test her parents.

Hearing that, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu also put down their chopsticks. This time, the two of them did not pretend to be relaxed. They glanced at each other and wiped their mouths. In fact, before returning to Shili Chunfeng, the two had already discussed how to talk to each other. Jiang Xinrui said.

Because Jiang Liu didn't think the two of them could hide too much from their daughter.

In other words, Jiang Liu knows his daughter better than Hua Sheng, and Jiang Xinrui is more sensitive than Hua Sheng thought. Without a good explanation, Jiang Xinrui can't be fooled.

Since Jiang Xinrui suspected that he would delay the investigation, it was better for them to stop Jiang Xinrui by their own means.

"What do you think we are hiding from you?"

Jiang Liu looked at the daughter on the opposite side. Now Jiang Xinrui is also eighteen years old. She is a tall girl. When she was young, everyone felt that Jiang Xinrui and Hua Sheng were carved out of the same mold. The mother and daughter looked too alike, but Jiang Liu was at that time. I feel that my daughter is not like either of them.

Jiang Xinrui is an independent life entity, a life entity that they can't see through.

"I think you have concealed a lot of things from me! In Zhaojue Temple, you strengthened the barrier on Wanfeng's body, and then you have no news. I went back to Ten Mile Spring Breeze more than once, but I never found your shadow again. For a while, I could not feel your breath."

"Do you know how scared I am when I can't feel your breath? But I dare not show it. You think I really don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the ten-mile spring breeze in the dark and staring at me again? I all know that because of this, I dare not express too much emotion. What they see is what I want them to see. I even use my best friend..."

"So when Chi Feng didn't want to be with me, I didn't stop him. If he is not by my side, he will be much safer... But I am reluctant. He is different from others. We have been with me for too many years! I understand all of this. , It’s just that there’s really no way. I must have weaknesses in those eyes, because only in this way can I protect more!"

"And this is more, it's you!"

"I met more than you thought..."

Jiang Xinrui said, smiling faintly, smiling at Chifeng's trust and also at herself.

What kind of youthful love, childhood sweetheart, in fact, in her eyes only maximizes the benefits.

Hua Sheng folded his hands and lowered his eyes, "Wanfeng’s affairs are compelling. If we don’t control her, Wanfeng is no longer Wanfeng...but we don’t know how long we can control her. It has nothing to do with mana, it’s Wanfeng. She has a heart demon, and she is hostile to you, whether it is for selfishness or other reasons, we cannot let her leave Zhaojue Temple."

"But if we do this, you will be separated from Chifeng. It's just that compared with the danger you are, these are not enough to explain anything, so we still did it!"

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