Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4224: : Don't underestimate the enemy

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu wanted to make everything look natural. They didn't want their daughter to live, but they had to bear the death of their parents because of her. In this way, even if Jiang Xinrui was alive, they knew that their children would not live happily.

Parents always hope that their children can live well, but if they know too much and think about it, they really don't live well. The so-called smiling face is just a strong smile.

Although after they left, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu were no longer visible.

"that's it?"

After listening to her parents, Jiang Xinrui raised her head and asked.

She felt that this did not match her excited and worried state of mind, and it did not make her anxious.

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

Jiang Liu asked rhetorically.

"Rui'er, if you underestimate the enemy, then we have to consider whether you can participate in this mission! This time is more dangerous than you think. You can't realize it because the time and space cracks have not yet appeared in the human world. Without seeing those cracks with your own eyes, and you have no past inheritance memory, it can be said that those things are ancient fierce beasts that could once have the power to initiate the destruction of the world!"

"We said it was an ancient fierce beast, but it was actually just a pronoun. There are also demon kings, demons, and even gods who have been killed by Tianzhu. The strength of any one of them is not to be underestimated! It is the overlord of an era."

Jiang Liu frowned and looked at Jiang Xinrui. He had to say this matter seriously, so that Jiang Xinrui felt that this mission was difficult. They could not protect her, and they might not be able to protect themselves, until they died. It also becomes reasonable in one day.

Of course, Jiang Liu didn't exaggerate it. After they regained their mana, Jiang Liu would struggle to deal with it, because it was too much.

They can't really stand still and wait for the river to kill...

"I don't mean to underestimate the enemy. It's just that a few days ago, when I couldn't feel your presence, my heartbeat kept beating very fast, and it even hurt so that I couldn't stand up, so I worried for a long time and didn't dare to say anything. …"

"When you finally come back, my heart will be relieved, so...but don't worry, I will not underestimate the enemy! Our family has never experienced anything, I am not afraid, but I will be careful!"

"Since time is so tight, I will set out now. Although I don't know much about the cracks in time and space, I do hear a lot of wind and I know how to do it."

Jiang Xinrui wanted to explain that she would leave early, but looking at the nervousness of her parents, Jiang Xinrui knew that she was going to be nervous too, otherwise they would be worried, thinking she was careless, they would not let her go.

How can she escape alone when her parents are going out to face danger?

After all, Jiang Xinrui got up and prepared to leave.

But he was directly pulled by Hua Sheng, "Ruier! No matter how time is pressed, it is still one night away, and how long have you not had a good rest? Look at your dark circles?"

"In your state, how can we rest assured that you will work with us to solve those ancient beasts? Although they have not fully recovered their strength now, the lean camel is bigger than a horse! The other party is now energized, and we too Can’t be rushed."

"Take a rest for one night, and we will set off together tomorrow."

After Hua Sheng finished speaking, he was just shooting the case, and he didn't need Jiang Liu and Jiang Xinrui's veto. He directly pulled Jiang Xinrui back upstairs to rest.

Seeing Hua Sheng followed him all the way into the bathroom, Jiang Xinrui's face that had been indifferent finally started to redden, "Mom...Do you want the bathroom in my room?"

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