Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4236: : Looking for the Human World

"In other words, do you suspect that anyone around us was the owner of Shennongding in a previous life?"

"How is this possible? The people around us who have to be related to you and me at the same time, who else besides the two sons? But when they were born, were they reincarnated? Would we not know? "

"Furthermore, even if it has something to do with the two of us, why would there be two different reactions when the blood of you and me passed in Shennongding?"

Feng Qingcheng felt that Bai Ran was wrong, or that there was something she had overlooked.

But what exactly it was now, Feng Qingcheng didn't know. For this Shennongding, she had tried everything she could, and the final result was still no result.

"Perhaps... the ten great artifacts disappeared too long ago. I don’t know many things. They just rely on inherited memory, but my inherited memory is also inherited from my parents. If they don’t know much, My memory is also blank."

"Just like you said, there must be things we don’t know about the top ten artifacts. The master of the virtual wants to rely on us to gather the top ten artifacts. It may also be because people who are not related to the artifacts cannot shake the artifacts, so they need us. ."

Bairan's healed hands are still constantly testing Shennongding. Since it is a divine tool, it should have something extraordinary. I originally thought that the spiritual power was exhausted and the gods disappeared. Now it seems that the gods of the top ten divine tools are still in the body of the gods.

Since the **** is still there, it should feel that the current situation is not optimistic, and the divine tool should use its own power to overcome the difficulties with everyone.

But the result now is that no matter how Bairan tried, Shennongding still didn't respond.

"But it's the same with us. Shennongding doesn't listen to our commands at all, and other artifacts are not necessarily touchable. The end result is nothing."

"But at least we know that the artifact is still useful, but we can't use it. In this case, it is urgent to find the top ten artifacts, and we cannot use it. It does not mean that the virtual master cannot use it. Maybe he knows how to use the top ten artifacts. ."

"In this way, we can get the whereabouts of other artifacts through the virtual master... As for Shennongding, it is still placed here, even if we all know that it is one of the ten greatest artifacts, no one can take it away. There are people who can get results different from ours on Shennongding. That can only show that he is the master of Shennongding. If he snatches it from its owner, we must not be able to grab it either."

Feng Qingcheng said, he could only give up the Shennongding problem temporarily, and then took out the half of the sheepskin scroll again, which coincidentally said that the line drawn on it pointed to the back pond of the heavens.

Of course, the whereabouts of the artifact recorded on the parchment scroll is not the Shennongding, but the Pangu axe.

"The parchment roll is half, and the map is half, how can I find it?"

Feng Qingcheng had noticed this problem a long time ago, but it was obvious that the other party had never thought of giving them the remaining half.

"Then we will look for it along the back pond."

Bai Ran replied following the flow of the back pond.

And Feng Qingcheng also looked down Bairan's eyes, and if he walked down Houchi, he would reach the Human Realm. Could it be said that Pan Gu Axe had fallen in the Human Realm?

While looking for the Pangu Axe in the lower realm of Bairan and Fengqing City, the three Jiang family members in the human realm had already begun to kill various ancient fierce beasts that had not recovered their strength.

Human world.

Jiang Xinrui stood at the door of the town villa, No.1 Dongting Bay, and then glanced at the gloomy young man beside him, and asked in a cold tone, "Are you sure it's here?"

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