Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4237: : Distinguish breath

"I will not feel wrong. I am different from Ling Shuyi. I am born to be unable to cultivate, but I can see any different breath. The ability of ordinary people is to meet you."

"I am very grateful for this ability, otherwise, at this time, how would you be willing to take me..."

Ling Shujun's tone was low and obsessed, and every word he said to Jiang Xinrui was like a lover's whisper. It was just his appearance that made people feel uncomfortable when looking at it. He didn't feel warm at all, let alone Jiang Xinrui. In her eyes, the likes of men are not worth mentioning.

Let alone a crazy like.

As Ling Shujun said, if it weren't for him to be useful, Jiang Xinrui would not care about him when Ling Shujun suddenly appeared in front of her.

Looking back on leaving from the Spring Breeze of Ten Miles, Jiang Xinrui wanted to summon Ling Ji, because she knew that Ling Ji might have a way, and the treacherous forbidden technique was nothing to Ling Ji's body, he must have a way to lead them out first...

If you look for the dormant ancient fierce beast according to the address information given to her by her parents, when will you find it?

Besides, Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu still gave the address information according to the land, scattered immortals, and found news. Jiang Xinrui found a few, but all returned without success. The nearby land did not even notice when the other party left, then Explain that the other party is already using his own methods to regain strength, and then leave.

In fact, think about how they could really expose the location of the old nest?

In Jiang Xinrui's view, the traces leaked by these ancient fierce beasts are all fake.

Jiang Xinrui was even more unlikely to waste time checking the results one by one, so she gave up and was about to go to Ling Ji, but she didn't want anyone to "send a pillow" to her!

Because Ling Shujun appeared, stood in front of her, and blocked her way.

"Now you are not hiding with me? Starting to be blatant? You really don't want to live anymore?"

"Following me all these years, you should also have a temperament like me, want to kill you without leaving a trace, it is not difficult, and I have no burden in my heart!"

Jiang Xinrui looked impatiently at the boy in front of him. Ling Shujun and Ling Shuyi are twins, so they are a few years younger than Jiang Xinrui, but Ling Shujun is a head taller than Jiang Xinrui, but he keeps squatting his neck, heavily covered by Qi Liuhai. Half of the eyes make it difficult to see the emotions in the eyes. The bare skin is bluish white, but the lips are bright red. It looks like a mentally abnormal person no matter what.

Although Ling Shujun's appearance comes from his family, none of this has anything to do with Jiang Xinrui. She is not a good person, and she has no extra kindness to vent on unnecessary people.

The first time I didn't do it, it was because Ling Shuyi was useful to her because he didn't do it to Ling Shujun, but if Ling Shujun continues to follow her and hinder her, don't blame Jiang Xinrui for being ruthless.

"Let me follow you, I am useful to you!"

"You can bring sick Ling Shuyi, why can't you bring me healthy? She went to many places with you, I know she helped you too, so can I, you go out to find someone right Bar?"

"I also went to Baize Town, but I'm not as fast as you. You all left when I went, but I found that Baize Town has a cold breath from hell. I can see any breath that exists in this world! You take it! As I go to hell, I can definitely tell where the breath in Baize Town is."

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